Should garage doors have vents?

Should garage doors have vents? Residential garages are not required to have ventilation under ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2. However, the EPA does recommend active ventilation to help get rid of toxic fumes and carbon monoxide. Ventilation can also help with air flow and heating\cooling your garage. Why are there vents on garage doors? Venting the garage […]

Can a horse bruise its frog?

Can a horse bruise its frog? It’s important to keep in mind that bruising can affect more than the sole of the hoof. “There are many structures that can get bruised—such as the frog or the bars of the foot,” says Bullock. “Some horses will actually bruise the coffin bone. How long do hoof bruises […]

Is Lotus native to India?

Is Lotus native to India? Nelumbo nucifera, also known as Indian lotus, sacred lotus, or simply lotus, is one of two extant species of aquatic plant in the family Nelumbonaceae. It is often colloquially called a water lily…. Nelumbo nucifera Clade: Eudicots Order: Proteales Family: Nelumbonaceae Genus: Nelumbo Does the lotus flower grow in India? […]

What is the rising action in Raiders of the Lost Ark?

What is the rising action in Raiders of the Lost Ark? Rising Action: No time to rest, going from one action block right into the next! Action Block #6: Airfield battle. Marion machine guns Nazis soldiers as Indy dukes it out with a bare knuckle burly Nazi boxer. Highest 2nd Act Obstacle: Single handedly retrieving […]

Is Coke high in sodium?

Is Coke high in sodium? For example, one 12-ounce (354-mL) can of Diet Coke contains no calories, sugar, fat, or protein and 40 mg of sodium (1). How much sodium is in a can of coke? Enjoy the crisp and refreshing taste of Coca-Cola Original….Nutrition Facts. % Daily Value* % Daily Value* Nutritional Composition % […]

Do treasure hunters keep what they find?

Do treasure hunters keep what they find? In the U.S., laws vary by state, but the general conclusion is that going treasure hunting is often a waste of time because you likely can’t keep it. The Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979 states that any “archaeological resources” found on the land of the state belong […]

Can dragonflies walk?

Can dragonflies walk? Dragonflies are full of surprises. They have six legs, but most can’t walk. Their giant, 30,000-lens eyes can detect ultraviolet light. Do dragonflies have legs? Dragonflies can be found around freshwater ponds, lakes and streams in most parts of the world. Dragonfly adults have a pair of prominent compound eyes that take […]

How do you add a second SIM card to an iPhone XS?

How do you add a second SIM card to an iPhone XS? iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR, and later feature Dual SIM with a nano-SIM and an eSIM….Enter the information manually Go to Settings. Tap either Cellular or Mobile Data. Tap Add Cellular Plan. Tap Enter Details Manually, at the bottom of your […]

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