What favor does Friar Laurence ask Romeo?

What favor does Friar Laurence ask Romeo? Romeo and Juliet Act 2 briefly summarize the chorus their love is going to be tough going to be tough, but it is worth it what favor does Romeo ask of Friar Lawrence to marry him and Juliet according to the friar, who should Romeo love Rosaline on […]

What do you call a camera shot from above?

What do you call a camera shot from above? High-Angle A high-angle shot is a cinematography technique where the camera points down on the subject from above. This type of shot is used to make the subject or object below seem vulnerable, powerless, or weak. What is a moving shot called? A tracking shot is […]

Did Mozart have a patron?

Did Mozart have a patron? Although his career had much promise many became disappointed with his work. Unlike Haydn, Mozart did not agree with the patronage system. After his patron, the Archbishop of Salzburg, dismissed him he became a musical freelancer. He made his living by teaching, publishing music, and playing at patrons houses. What […]

What is a metaphor like or as?

What is a metaphor like or as? While both similes and metaphors are used to make comparisons, the difference between similes and metaphors comes down to a word. Similes use the words like or as to compare things—“Life is like a box of chocolates.” In contrast, metaphors directly state a comparison—“Love is a battlefield.” What […]

What causes a decrease in credit score?

What causes a decrease in credit score? In this article: You Have Late or Missing Payments. You Recently Applied for a Mortgage, Loan or New Credit Card. Your Credit Utilization Has Increased. One of Your Credit Limits Decreased. Why did my credit score drop 30 points for no reason? Remember that the most common reason […]

What intervals can be major or minor?

What intervals can be major or minor? Seconds, thirds, sixths, and sevenths can be major intervals or minor intervals. The minor interval is always a half-step smaller than the major interval. Example 4.7. Listen to the minor second, major second, minor third, major third, minor sixth, major sixth, minor seventh, and major seventh. What is […]

What is the difference between a soprano and a mezzo soprano?

What is the difference between a soprano and a mezzo soprano? The vocal range of the mezzo-sopranos lies between the soprano and the contralto voice types. Mezzo-sopranos generally have a heavier, darker tone than sopranos. Usually men singing within the female range are called countertenors since there is a lighter more breathy tonal (falsetto) quality […]

What are the conflicts in A Christmas Carol?

What are the conflicts in A Christmas Carol? The main conflict in A Christmas Carol is the internal conflict which Ebenezer Scrooge faces because he has become solely focused on increasing his own wealth. Spirits visit Scrooge to help him realize the error of his ways and to fully understand the way his attitudes impact […]

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