Where should the name of the website or company logo appear on a website? This is not surprising as traditionally website logos have always been placed to the left of the screen, so users subconsciously expect the logo to be there. Most populations also read from left to right, so placing a company logo on […]
What were the advantages of arches in Romanesque architecture?
What were the advantages of arches in Romanesque architecture? The other two commonly used styles were the pointed arches and the vaults. The pointed arches had the advantage of producing less thrust and thus ensuring stability at the base of the base. It was normally for the taller structures with closely spaced opening. A good […]
Who started modernism architecture?
Who started modernism architecture? Modernism first emerged in the early twentieth century, and by the 1920s, the prominent figures of the movement – Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius, and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe – had established their reputations. Who is known as the father of modern architecture? Louis Henry Sullivan Who is the world’s greatest […]
Why is Boo Radley out?
What are the similarities and differences between paint and draw programs?
What are the similarities and differences between paint and draw programs? Tools typical of paint programs are paintbrush, spraycan and eraser. In vector graphics, objects, such as lines, curves, shapes or text, are based upon mathematical formulae. Software programs that exclusively allow the creation and manipulation of vector graphics are called ‘draw’ programs. What are […]
Which of the following forms is most commonly used for the first movement in a classical era multi-movement cycle?
Which of the following forms is most commonly used for the first movement in a classical era multi-movement cycle? sonata form What is the usual order of movements in a classical symphony? The usual order of movements in a classical symphony is: -Fast, slow, fast, slow. What is the form of the first movement of […]
What terrible news does Mr Dussel bring Anne?
What is the Spanish song form that is a style of poetry?
How do you read color theory?
How do you read color theory? Color theory is both the science and art of using color. It explains how humans perceive color; and the visual effects of how colors mix, match or contrast with each other. Color theory also involves the messages colors communicate; and the methods used to replicate color. What is the […]
What does look at the bigger picture mean?
What does look at the bigger picture mean? the most important facts about a situation and the effects of that situation on other things: In my political work I try to concentrate on the big picture and not be distracted by details. Why is seeing the bigger picture important? Getting a big picture perspective tends […]