What does Ixoye mean?

What does Ixoye mean? Some church that might hook you this evening: the word “ixoye” is an acronym comprised of the first letter of five Greek words: Iesous Xristos Theou Yios Sotare which means Jesus, Christ, Son of, God, Savior. The word is also Greek for “fish,” icthus, ἰχθύς which when spelled in capital letters […]

Who is the bad guy in 1984?

Who is the bad guy in 1984? O’Brien Who is Winston afraid of? Winston fears rats. This is first exposed in chapter 4 during one of his escapades with Julia in the room on top of Mr. Charrington’s junk shop. Julia spotted a rat poking its head from a corner of the room and this […]

Does Natalie Portman play the queen in phantom menace?

Does Natalie Portman play the queen in phantom menace? Knightley was chosen to play Queen Amidala’s decoy in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace because of her close resemblance to Natalie Portman, who played the Queen. Her voice was dubbed over with Natalie Portman’s voice after filming; Natalie recorded both the Amidala and Sabé […]

How many pennies are equal to $1?

How many pennies are equal to $1? 100 pennies Does 50 pennies make a dollar? The penny is a US coin worth one cent or 1/100 dollar. 50 pennies make a half-dollar, 25 pennies make a quatrter, 10 pennies make a dime and 5 pennies make a nickel. How many pennies does it take to […]

How do you inspire art?

How do you inspire art? Here are 10 tips that you can start to use right now, especially if your muse isn’t answering her texts: Create every day. Make a list. Get rid of some stuff. Make mistakes. Make time for play. Don’t always rely on the Internet. Be inspired by what you love. Copy […]

What were the first dramatic genres?

What were the first dramatic genres? The oldest definition of dramatic genre is Aristotle’s Poetics , written circa 335 BC in Greece. The forms of tragedy and comedy that he described over 2000 years ago still exist today. Tragedy in its oldest sense deals with human beings taking on superhuman forces, such as gods or […]

How is energy used in dance?

How is energy used in dance? Energy is about how the movement happens. Choices about energy include variations in movement flow and the use of force, tension, and weight. ALL dances use the element of energy, though in some instances it may be slow, supple, indirect energy – not the punchy, high speed energy of […]

What is your casting type?

What is your casting type? Usually casting briefs will dictate what type of actor they need so you need to consider whether you fit into those brackets. A type is usually made up of age, appearance (including gender, height, hair colour etc), personality traits, skills and, sometimes, how you sound. Is type casting bad? The […]

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