What are the Precogs in Minority Report? Precogs, or officially known as Precognitives, are individuals that possess a psychic ability to see events in the future, primarily premeditated murders. There are currently three Precogs, Agatha, Arthur, and Dash. What happened to Minority Report TV show? The original series order was due to be 13 episodes, […]
Which of the following terms is used to describe a work of art that utilizes multiple materials?
Which of the following terms is used to describe a work of art that utilizes multiple materials? Printmakers may use words like woodcut, linocut, etching, engraving, and lithography to describe their medium. Artists who use multiple media in a single piece of art typically call it “mixed media,” which is common for techniques like a […]
How is freestanding sculpture meant to be seen?
How is freestanding sculpture meant to be seen? Freestanding sculpture is meant to be viewed completely in-the-round while relief sculpture is attached to a background support. Sculpture that is meant to be viewed from only one side is called relief sculpture. If the projection of the surface is shallow it is called low-relief or bas-relief. […]
Why was the peasant wedding important during the Renaissance?
Why was the peasant wedding important during the Renaissance? During the Northern Renaissance The Peasant Wedding was an important art piece and also known as one of the most famous Flemish paintings. In this painting Pieter Bruegel the Elder was influenced by the human life. He has portrayed the importance of what is happening in […]
What is an antonym for objective?
What is an antonym for objective? emphasizing or expressing things as perceived without distortion of personal feelings, insertion of fictional matter, or interpretation. “objective art” Antonyms: abstract, prejudiced, unreal, unobjective, subjective, unverifiable, personal. What is a synonym for objective? Some common synonyms of objective are aim, design, end, goal, intention, intent, object, and purpose. What […]
What is the most common way to transfer risk?
What is the most common way to transfer risk? The most common form of transferring risk is purchasing an insurance policy transferring risk from the entity pur- chasing the policy to the insurer issuing the policy. Other methods of transferring risk to another party or entity include contractual agreements or requirements and hold harmless agreements. […]
Which of the following artists were known for their collages?
Which of the following artists were known for their collages? Andrea Mantegna, and Vincent Van Gogh,Thomas Eakins,Anna Boch,Kate Greenway,Mary Stevenson Cassatt,Hannah Hoch,and Kurt Schwitters. These are all the artists known for their collages. Can you open an AI file in Photoshop? If you open and AI file with Photoshop you will find out that Photoshop […]
What lenses produce smaller images?
What lenses produce smaller images? Diverging mirrors or lenses always produce images smaller than the object. A larger image can only be formed by a converging device, in this case a convex lens. The focal length of the lens is 10 cm. Do convex lenses produce smaller images? Plane mirrors, convex mirrors, and diverging lenses […]
How many sentences is 4 paragraphs?
How many sentences is 4 paragraphs? Aim for three to five or more sentences per paragraph. Include on each page about two handwritten or three typed paragraphs. Make your paragraphs proportional to your paper. Since paragraphs do less work in short papers, have short paragraphs for short papers and longer paragraphs for longer papers. Can […]
What is an app filter?
What is an app filter? App filters are a way for application partners to manage the data that districts share. Many applications only need access to limited data for their integrations. For example, some applications only require section data for specific subjects, while others only need data for schools that have licenses. What is the […]