Did Vikings kill everyone?

Did Vikings kill everyone? Vikings were far from the only ones to plunder and they did not do it to kill innocent people or sate some sort of bloodlust. They raided and plundered to gain a higher social status, to gain silver to buy food for their families and to capture slaves to work the […]

How do you show appreciation in music?

How do you show appreciation in music? Here are 11 tips for making this year’s song of the summer a little more meaningful. Learn an Instrument. Read Up On an Artist. Single Out a Specific Instrument. Listen Live. Or Imagine a Live Concert. Understand How Music is Mixed. Consider the Original Recording. Ask What Emotion […]

In which part of the scientific inquiry process do children share their ideas either verbally or through symbolic representation?

In which part of the scientific inquiry process do children share their ideas either verbally or through symbolic representation? COMMUNICATING What is the first step in the scientific investigation? The first step of the scientific method is the “Question.” This step may also be referred to as the “Problem.” Your question should be worded so […]

How many seconds is a whole note?

How many seconds is a whole note? 4 seconds What does whole note mean? A whole note is a musical note that has a time value equal to two half notes. [US]regional note: in BRIT, use semibreve. How many 8ths are in a HP? How many eighths are in a pound? If 8 8ths = […]

Who were the ancient Acadians?

Who were the ancient Acadians? The Akkadians (or Acadians) The Akkadians were a group of Semitic people who lived on the Arabian Peninsula between Egypt and Mesopotamia . As the population expanded the group moved north and began conflicts with the Sumerians. Who did the Sumerians descend from? The origins of the Sumerians are murky, […]

What does the content of a text refer to?

What does the content of a text refer to? What does the content of a text refer to? The text subject matter. When we read a visual text, we usually look for certain conventions to help us: Make inferences about its meaning. What is the theme of a text the author’s message the subject of […]

What is appropriation contemporary art?

What is appropriation contemporary art? Appropriation in art is the use of pre-existing objects or images with little or no transformation applied to them. The use of appropriation has played a significant role in the history of the arts. The concepts of originality and of authorship are central to the debate of appropriation in contemporary […]

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