What were Greek muses known for?

What were Greek muses known for? In Greek mythology, the nine Muses are goddesses of the various arts such as music, dance, and poetry and are blessed not only with wonderful artistic talents themselves but also with great beauty, grace, and allure. What were the Greek muses known for Brainly? The Nine Muses of the […]

What is the late Classical period?

What is the late Classical period? In Western painting: Late Classical (c. 400–323 bc) All authorities agree that the Late Classical period was the high point of ancient Greek painting. Within its short span many famous artists were at work, of whom Zeuxis, Apelles, and Parrhasius were the most renowned. Why do so few classical […]

Can a completely deaf person talk?

Can a completely deaf person talk? It’s possible for deaf people to learn how to speak. Some deaf people choose not to communicate using the spoken word. Instead, they prefer to use ASL, a nonverbal language. In the end, the way that a deaf person chooses to communicate is down to what works optimally for […]

What are the advantages of watercolor?

What are the advantages of watercolor? The Advantages of Watercolor Paints vs. Acrylics or Oil Paintings Easy Cleanup. It is practically impossible to damage your brushes with watercolour paints. Less Wasted Paint. If you are using watercolour in tubes and squeeze out way too much paint, you don’t have to fret upon or worry about […]

What is the rhythmic pattern pictured below answers com?

What is the rhythmic pattern pictured below answers com? The pattern is known as: Concentric ripples. What are the rhythmic patterns? We defined a rhythmic pattern as a succession of musical events contained within a single metric unit that corresponds to a single main beat. For the sake of simplicity rhythmic patterns are notated without […]

What is the tempo of spring?

What is the tempo of spring? 96 BPM Which movement in a Baroque concerto was were set in a fast tempo? middle movement What makes the Four Seasons a programmatic work group of answer choices? What makes The Four Seasons a programmatic work It is based on a set of poems, one for each season. […]

What gaming device did Microsoft create in 2001?

What gaming device did Microsoft create in 2001? Xbox What video game console or consoles were released in 2001? September 14 – Nintendo releases the GameCube and its launch title Luigi’s Mansion. November 15 – The Microsoft Xbox is introduced. November 18 – Nintendo releases the GameCube in North America. November 23 – Game Park […]

How can I make my drawing class interesting?

How can I make my drawing class interesting? Teaching Strategies to Make Your Class More Fun Incorporate Mystery Into Your Lessons. Don’t Repeat Classroom Material. Create Classroom Games. Give Your Students Choices. Use Technology. Don’t Take Teaching so Seriously. Make Your Lessons Interactive. Relate Material to Your Students’ Lives. How do you appreciate students drawings? […]

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