What makes a slam poem different from other types of poems? What Makes Slam Poetry Different From Traditional Poetry? The difference is simple: one is written with the intention of being performed or spoken aloud, while the other is written specifically for the page. Slam poems are meant to be performed. What makes a poem […]
Whats the difference between the Academy Awards and the Oscars?
Whats the difference between the Academy Awards and the Oscars? The Academy Awards, popularly known as the Oscars, are awards for artistic and technical merit in the film industry. What is it called when you win an Oscar Emmy Grammy and Tony? The ultimate achievement in Hollywood is achieving an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar, […]
What does the snow symbolize in Dead Poets Society?
What does the snow symbolize in Dead Poets Society? The snow is pure and white: it represents innocence. The vomit represents the loss of innocence. The boys are reaching adulthood, and they are casting off the innocence of their childhoods. Much of the visual rhetoric of the film works to establish the authoritarian atmosphere of […]
What kind of sound effects are created in a studio for use in a film or play Brainly?
What kind of sound effects are created in a studio for use in a film or play Brainly? A sound effect (or audio effect) is an artificially created or enhanced sound, or sound process used to emphasize artistic or other content of films, television shows, live performance, animation, video games, music, or other media. These […]
Is this an example of a relief Why?
Is this an example of a relief Why? Answer: It is an example of a relief because projecting from the background are square panels, placed sideways and forward. It would be an example of a high relief because the squares are entirely projecting from the red background. What does a bas relief look like? Bas […]
What is tall for a 13 year old?
How do you find a short vowel?
What is Tord short for?
What is Tord short for? [ syll. tor(d), to-rd ] The baby boy name Tord is largely used in the Scandinavian language and it is derived from Old Norse origins. It is derived from the elements ‘thor’ meaning thunder, thunder god ; ‘fridr’ peace, beautiful, fair. The name developed as a short form of Thorfrid […]
What game did Jane and Holden used to play together?
What game did Jane and Holden used to play together? checkers What did Holden and Jane play in the summer mornings? What sports did Holden and Jane used to play in the morning and afternoons? Tennis in the morning, and golf in the afternoon. Describe how Jane and Holden first met. Jane’s Doberman Pinscher used […]
What are the differences between vine charcoal compressed charcoal and powdered charcoal?
What are the differences between vine charcoal compressed charcoal and powdered charcoal? Willow and vine charcoals are often very soft and powdery, so they can be less suitable for rendering fine, crisp images. Powdered charcoal is well suited to ‘toning’ large areas of a surface. Compressed Charcoal—is made of powdered charcoal held together with a […]