What does Legato mean music? A curved line above or below a group of notes tells you those notes should be played legato – smoothly, with no gaps between the notes. A slur is a legato line over a few notes which means they should not be rearticulated. Which is an example of pitched percussion? […]
Which is better 50mm or 85mm lens?
Who are some of the characters identified in the fresco below?
What is Tord short for?
What is Tord short for? [ syll. tor(d), to-rd ] The baby boy name Tord is largely used in the Scandinavian language and it is derived from Old Norse origins. It is derived from the elements ‘thor’ meaning thunder, thunder god ; ‘fridr’ peace, beautiful, fair. The name developed as a short form of Thorfrid […]
What game did Jane and Holden used to play together?
What game did Jane and Holden used to play together? checkers What did Holden and Jane play in the summer mornings? What sports did Holden and Jane used to play in the morning and afternoons? Tennis in the morning, and golf in the afternoon. Describe how Jane and Holden first met. Jane’s Doberman Pinscher used […]
What are the differences between vine charcoal compressed charcoal and powdered charcoal?
What are the differences between vine charcoal compressed charcoal and powdered charcoal? Willow and vine charcoals are often very soft and powdery, so they can be less suitable for rendering fine, crisp images. Powdered charcoal is well suited to ‘toning’ large areas of a surface. Compressed Charcoal—is made of powdered charcoal held together with a […]
How would you describe your cuisine in Mexico?
How would you describe your cuisine in Mexico? Among the staples of Mexican food are beans and corn. Corn is used to make masa, a dough that is then turned into tortillas and tamales, whereas beans and corn feature prominently in many dishes. Popular dishes of Central Mexico include carnitas (braised or roasted pork) and […]
Was Amy Tan Born in China?
Was Amy Tan Born in China? Early life and education. Tan was born in Oakland, California. She is the second of three children born to Chinese immigrants John and Daisy Tan. Her father was an electrical engineer and Baptist minister who traveled to the United States in order to escape the chaos of the Chinese […]
What is the time and place in which a story occurs?
How can I stop feeling heartbroken?
How can I stop feeling heartbroken? How to Get Over a Broken Heart, According to Psychologists Allow yourself to feel your feelings. But don’t become your feelings. Cut off communication with your ex. Find a support system. Exercise. Remember what sucked. Take care of yourself. Don’t judge the length of your healing process. How do […]