What are sources of authority?

What are sources of authority? Religious people also have other sources of guidance and help available to them. religious principles or rules. faith community leaders. religious tradition. other people in the faith community. What are the sources of authority in Christianity? The Bible is considered to be the most important source of authority for Christians […]

What role does music play in advertising?

What role does music play in advertising? Music in advertising is “the most common musical technique for aiding memorability and hence product recall”. Music serves the function of making a product more memorable to viewers, as it is known to “linger in the listener’s mind.” When used in an advertisement, the content of the ad […]

How would you describe your learning style?

How would you describe your learning style? The Seven Learning Styles Visual (spatial):You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding. Aural (auditory-musical): You prefer using sound and music. Verbal (linguistic): You prefer using words, both in speech and writing. Physical (kinesthetic): You prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch. What does learning style […]

What are 5 ways to save energy?

What are 5 ways to save energy? Here are our top 5 free and easy ways to save energy in your home: Turn off the fan when you leave a room. Close your drapes or drop your window shades during the day. Wash your clothes in cold water. Wrap or cover foods and drinks in […]

What is another name for a rogue wave?

What is another name for a rogue wave? Rogue waves (also known as freak waves, monster waves, episodic waves, killer waves, extreme waves, and abnormal waves) are unusually large, unpredictable and suddenly appearing surface waves that can be extremely dangerous to ships, even to large ones. What is the story rogue wave about? In the […]

What are some cool monster names?

What are some cool monster names? Cra. Dragon. Ecaflip. Eliatrope. Eniripsa. Enutrof. Feca. Foggernaut. Whats a good evil name for a girl? Demon And Evil Girl Names: Nimue: Nimue also called Niniane was an Arthurian sorceress. Batibat: Batibat is the vengeful demon from the Ilocano folklore. Hecate: Hecate is Latin for the Greek word Hekate, […]

When was Nicolas Cage born?

When was Nicolas Cage born? January 7, 1964 (age 57 years) Is Brad Pitt related to Robert Redford? No. Brad Pitt and Robert Redford are not related. Who is sitting beside Brad Pitt at the Oscars? On Sunday night, Brad Pitt brought a special woman as his plus one to the Oscars! Before winning Best Supporting […]

What was the first film called?

What was the first film called? Roundhay Garden Scene How did movies start? The concept of the motion picture was first introduced to a mass audience through Thomas Edison’s kinetoscope in 1891. However, it wasn’t until the Lumière brothers released the cinématographe in 1895 that motion pictures were projected for audience viewing. What was the […]

What are the five main section of mass?

What are the five main section of mass? These are the words of the service which are the same every day. The Ordinary consists of five parts: Kyrie (Lord have mercy upon us….), Gloria (Glory be to thee….), Credo (I believe in God the Father….), Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy….) and Agnus Dei (O Lamb of […]

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