What is crescendo and decrescendo in music? crescendo (abbreviated cresc.) translates as “increasing” (literally “growing”) decrescendo (abbreviated to decresc.) translates as “decreasing”. diminuendo (abbreviated dim.) translates as “diminishing”. What is crescendo in piano? Crescendo, abbreviated cresc., is an Italian term that translates as “growing”. In music, this means the music should gradually get louder. A […]
Which is better FireRed or LeafGreen?
Which is better FireRed or LeafGreen? While the FireRed is an enhanced remake of the original Pokémon Red game, the LeafGreen is the upgraded version of the original Pokémon Blue game. The LeafGreen exclusives include Ninetales, Bellsprout, Slowpoke, Staryu, Starmie, Magmar, Marill, Misdreavus, Sneasel, Octillery, Magby, Deoxys, and more. What generation is FireRed and LeafGreen? […]
What instrument has the highest pitch range?
What instrument has the highest pitch range? Piccolo How do you describe range in music? Range refers to the distance between the highest and lowest notes found in a given melody. When a piece of music has wide range, there is a great distance between the highest and lowest pitches heard. How do performers cause […]
Why is branding beneficial?
Why is branding beneficial? Beyond just a memorable logo, good branding increases the value of a company, provides employees with direction and motivation, and makes acquiring new customers easier. A brand represents the sum of people’s perception of a company’s customer service, reputation, advertising and logo. What is brand franchise? An agreement between a wholesaler […]
How has the music industry been affected by the Internet?
How has the music industry been affected by the Internet? One of the most notable changes that the internet has caused is the new ways of distributing music. Instead of buying music from a music store, consumers may now buy their music online. Now that music is so easily obtainable, it is easier for people […]
When did the surrealism movement begin?
When did the surrealism movement begin? 1910s How did the Surrealist movement began? Surrealism officially began with Dadaist writer André Breton’s 1924 Surrealist manifesto, but the movement formed as early as 1917, inspired by the paintings of Giorgio de Chirico, who captured street locations with a hallucinatory quality. What is Surrealism movement? Surrealism was a […]
What should I wear on my first day of middle school?
What should I wear on my first day of middle school? Pick Out A First Day Of Middle School Outfit And We’ll Tell You About Your Future Job Image: Via amazon.com A casual polo. Via amazon.com. A casual polo. Image: Via ebay.com A poncho. Via ebay.com. A poncho. Image: Via amazon.com A Pink Floyd (or […]
What is Cordoba Spain known for?
What is Cordoba Spain known for? Cordoba is world renowned for its leather manufacturing sites and silversmiths. Cordoba is the place of birth of the grand Roman philosopher Seneca. In Cordoba summer temperatures often reach more than 40 Celsius degrees (102 F). Out of Córdoba there are the world’s largest olive plantations. What are two […]
Where did Roman gladiators fight?
Where did Roman gladiators fight? the Colosseum Where did the Roman spectators watch chariot races? Roman spectators would watch chariot races in the Circus, which was equipped with race tracks. What was the prize for winning a chariot race? The winner of a four-horse chariot race was awarded 140 ceramic pots full of olive oil, […]
How has literature influenced your life?
How has literature influenced your life? Literature influences us and makes us understand the every walk of life. Narratives, in particular, inspire empathy and give people a new perspective on their lives and the lives of others. What does literature teach us about life? Students who study literature and read for pleasure have a higher […]