Why do you believe in free will? Free will is generally understood as the ability to freely choose our own actions and determine our own outcomes. Believing in free will helps people exert control over their actions. This is particularly important in helping people make better decisions and behave more virtuously. What is determinism and […]
What did an artist have to do to become a part of the guild?
What did an artist have to do to become a part of the guild? What did an artist have to do to become part of the guild? Receive an examination of a masterpiece that could achieve master status. What was one of the main purposes of monasteries throughout Europe? Monasteries were a place where travelers […]
How can I make a picture frame better?
How can I make a picture frame better? Set the stage for picture-taking! Do not centre your subject. Place it according to the rule of thirds. Your subject should dominate the photo. Where necessary, get closer to it or zoom in. Eyes naturally take in an image from left to right. Make sure the main […]
How scientifically accurate is the movie Gravity?
How scientifically accurate is the movie Gravity? While it’s true that the film is very scientifically accurate; even down to the star patterns in space, some liberties were made to sustain the story, leading to some minor yet rather glaring inaccuracies. What happened to Kowalski in gravity? Kowalski’s death Despite Stone’s protests, Kowalski detached himself […]
Which photographer is famous for his her work at Yosemite National Park Ansel Adams Dorothea Lange Henri Cartier Bresson George Eastman?
Which photographer is famous for his her work at Yosemite National Park Ansel Adams Dorothea Lange Henri Cartier Bresson George Eastman? It is Ansel Adams it was his special addition in 1958. Who photographed Yosemite? Ansel Adams Did Ansel Adams sign his photographs? Not having a signature on the front also doesn’t mean that it […]
What did Boethius write?
What did Boethius write? Boethius’s best known work is the Consolation of Philosophy (De consolatione philosophiae), which he wrote most likely while in exile under house arrest or in prison while awaiting his execution. What does Boethius mean? Definitions of Boethius. noun. a Roman who was an early Christian philosopher and statesman who was executed […]
What does Richard Cory symbolize?
What does Richard Cory symbolize? Richard Cory is revered like a king. Richard Cory is not a king, but he essentially symbolizes that role to the people of the town. It’s why the narrator uses so many kingly and royal words to describe Richard Cory. Words like “crown,” “imperially,” “glittered,” and “king” are all used […]
How was measurement used in ancient Egypt?
How was measurement used in ancient Egypt? Ancient Egyptians didn’t measure things using centimetres and metres. They used cubits, spans and fingers. A cubit is the measurement from the tip of your longest finger to the bottom of your elbow. A palm is the distance across your palm. What is the Egyptian measurement of area? […]
What kind of harmony did classical period composers prefer?
What kind of harmony did classical period composers prefer? -tonic harmony Is classical music primarily polyphonic? Classical music is primarily polyphonic. What form does the first movement of a classical symphony usually follow? sonata form In which form is a classical symphony organized? The standard Classical form is: 1st movement – allegro (fast) in sonata […]
What are characteristics make these genres similar in terms of elements?
What are characteristics make these genres similar in terms of elements? Answer: The characteristics that make these genres similar in terms of structure are the structure of the movie: the premise, the plot of the movie/ the action, the location, and the characters of the story. What are the elements of genre? Genre consists of […]