How do you get red food coloring out of white carpet?

How do you get red food coloring out of white carpet? Combine one teaspoon of liquid dishwashing detergent and a tablespoon of ammonia with two cups of warm water. With a clean white cloth, expunge the stain using the detergent and ammonia solution by blotting the liquid until it is completely absorbed. How does vinegar […]

Where is physical address in 8086?

Where is physical address in 8086? The 8086 processor has a 20-bit address bus, which gives a physical address space of up to 1 MB (220), addressed as 00000h to FFFFFh. However, the maximum linear address space was limited to 64 KB, simply because the internal registers are only 16 bits wide. What do you […]

What clothing does James Bond wear?

What clothing does James Bond wear? Henley shirt What colors does James Bond wear? First, let’s talk fabric and color. Bond’s shirts are always made from one of two fabrics: either very lightweight and breathable end-on-end sea island cotton in white or blue, or heavy silk in either white or cream. The blue is interesting, […]

Are Guineas fowl broody?

Are Guineas fowl broody? A guinea hen may go broody only to change her mind before the hatch begins, leaving the eggs to chill and the embryo to die. A guinea hen may go broody outdoors and will often lose her life to a predator. Do Guinea fowls sit on their eggs? Guinea fowl eggs […]

What coin was before the Euro?

What coin was before the Euro? The former currencies of the Eurozone Austria – Austrian Schilling Germany – German Mark (Deutsche Mark) Belgium – Belgian Franc Greece – Greek Drachma Cyprus – Cypriot Pound Ireland – Irish Pound Estonia – Estonian Kroon Italy – Italian Lira Finland – Finnish Markka Latvia – Latvian Lats What […]

Why are the Kappas called Nupes?

Why are the Kappas called Nupes? According to Charles Wesley “Ceedy” Morgan, of the Alpha Delta Chapter, “The word “Nupe” had its origin as a manner of “greeting” other members of the fraternity, but it had taken on a life of its own as one member after another began to change the word from a […]

Where do I type a letter on my Mac?

Where do I type a letter on my Mac? The app which Apple provides on all Mac’s for basic writing tasks is TextEdit. You will find it in the Applications folder. How do you write and print a letter on a Mac? Printing. Regardless of the software you’re using, press “Command-P” or choose “Print” from […]

How does hydraulic jump occur?

How does hydraulic jump occur? A hydraulic jump is a phenomenon that occurs in fast-moving open flows when the flow becomes unstable. When a jump occurs, the height of the liquid surface increases abruptly resulting in an increased depth and decreased average flow velocity downstream. Is a hydraulic jump a flow control? A hydraulic jump […]

How old can mules live?

How old can mules live? Mules live longer than horses, on average. The median lifespan of a horse is 15 years whereas, it is 18 years for a mule. Some mules have been known to live well past 40 years of age. Mules have super strong hooves. Can a mule jump higher than a horse? […]

How is the Golden Gate Bridge stable?

How is the Golden Gate Bridge stable? The diagonal struts outline the basic structural unit of a truss, the triangle, which is inherently strong and stiff. However, the deck trusses are not strong enough to span all the way across the Golden Gate. They are held up every 50 feet (15 meters) by vertical steel […]

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