What is the double of 3/4 cup?

What is the double of 3/4 cup? Scale, Half and Double Quantity Amounts in a Recipe (Chart) Original Recipe Measure Half Scaled Measure Double Scaled Measure 2/3 cup 1/3 cup 1 1/3 cups 3/4 cup 3 tbsp. 1 1/2 cups 1 cup (1/2 pint) 1/2 cup 2 cups 1 1/4 cups 1/2 cup + 2 […]

Why is focal point important?

Why is focal point important? The reason a focal point is important is that when you look at an image your eye will generally need a ‘resting place’ or something of interest to really hold it. Without it you’ll find people will simply glance at your shots and then move on to the next one. […]

How do you build positive relationships with young children?

How do you build positive relationships with young children? Building Relationships in the Early Childhood Classroom Help, share, and work together in a group. Take turns. Participate in activities with the class. Trust and respect responsible adults. Engage and communicate with teachers and students. Develop friendships with peers. Cooperate with others. Be mindful of people […]

Is drama meant to be performed?

Is drama meant to be performed? ‘ What makes drama stand out from the other modes of writing, like prose and poetry, is the fact that it is meant to be performed, not read. Drama is written as dialogue along with stage directions, so the actors know exactly what to say and do while they […]

What is the definition of chamber music?

What is the definition of chamber music? Chamber music, music composed for small ensembles of instrumentalists. In its original sense chamber music referred to music composed for the home, as opposed to that written for the theatre or church. What instruments are in chamber music? Here are some suggestions of more traditional instruments used for […]

What is the Irish dance called?

What is the Irish dance called? Irish stepdance How many Irish dances are there? six Irish dance What is Irish river dance? Riverdance is a theatrical show consisting mainly of traditional Irish music and dance. With a score composed by Bill Whelan, it originated as an interval performance act during the 1994 Eurovision Song Contest, […]

Which career pathways are a part of the manufacturing career cluster select all that apply?

Which career pathways are a part of the manufacturing career cluster select all that apply? The manufacturing cluster contains six career pathways: health, safety, and environmental assurance; logistics and inventory control; maintenance, installation and repair; manufacturing production process development; production; and quality assurance. Which energy career pathways work with renewable energy? Which Energy career pathways […]

What is the stippling technique?

What is the stippling technique? Stippling is the creation of a pattern simulating varying degrees of solidity or shading by using small dots. Such a pattern may occur in nature and these effects are frequently emulated by artists. What is dot drawing called? This drawing technique, called pointillism, creates an optical illusion. A picture made […]

When was flag football created?

When was flag football created? 1940s Who invented football? Walter Camp What was the name of the first flag football organization? the National Touch Football League What is the meaning of flag football? stop the play Is Flag Football easy? With a few simple rules, you can learn how to play flag football in no […]

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