What is a corner node?

What is a corner node? Corner Node. A node that can connect two line segments at a sharp angle (press + hold shift) Curve to straight line. What does the simplify command do? The simplify command is used to apply simplification rules to an expression. The simplify routine searches the expression for function calls, square […]

What are the components of a vector?

What are the components of a vector? A vector quantity has two characteristics, a magnitude and a direction. When comparing two vector quantities of the same type, you have to compare both the magnitude and the direction. On this slide we describe a mathematical concept which is unique to vectors; vector components. Are components of […]

What are some tempo markings?

What are some tempo markings? Basic tempo markings Larghissimo – very, very slowly (24 bpm and under) Adagissimo – very slowly. Grave – very slow (25–45 bpm) Largo – broadly (40–60 bpm) Lento – slowly (45–60 bpm) Larghetto – rather broadly (60–66 bpm) Adagio – slowly with great expression (66–76 bpm) What words can we […]

What factors can influence the properties of glass?

What factors can influence the properties of glass? The properties can be influenced by many factors. The most common are the shape of the object, the lighting where the object is located, the environment (colors, shapes, density of other objects, etc.), and the viewing angle of the observer. What are 3 examples of fibers? Top […]

What is Georges Auguste Escoffier famous for?

What is Georges Auguste Escoffier famous for? Auguste Escoffier, in full Georges-Auguste Escoffier, (born October 28, 1846, Villeneuve-Loubet, France—died February 12, 1935, Monte-Carlo, Monaco), French culinary artist, known as “the king of chefs and the chef of kings,” who earned a worldwide reputation as director of the kitchens at the Savoy Hotel (1890–99) and … […]

How are funds for education spent?

How are funds for education spent? These funds are spent on facilities, textbooks, supplies, and the salaries of teachers and staff. Although expenses vary greatly depending of the particular school, some standard expenses that nearly all schools must cover with their funding include the cost of: Instructors. Operation and Maintenance. How does funding affect education? […]

What did Atticus do after the trial?

What did Atticus do after the trial? After the trial, Atticus is bitter, but he hopes to win the case on appeal. Bob Ewell is also bitter, threatening Atticus in public and spitting in his face. Atticus tells the kids that the only person on the jury willing to acquit Tom was a relative of […]

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