What exciting information does Menelaus give to Telemachus? Expert Answers Menelaus tells Telemachus about hiding in the horse with the bravest of the Argives and Odysseus. He tells how Helen came to see the horse and, suspecting a trap, called to the men inside, mimicking their wives. One man, Anticlus, was about to answer her. […]
Why was the arts and crafts movement important?
Why was the arts and crafts movement important? The Arts and Crafts movement did not promote a particular style, but it did advocate reform as part of its philosophy and instigated a critique of industrial labor; as modern machines replaced workers, Arts and Crafts proponents called for an end to the division of labor and […]
What are the three kinds of unity in art?
What are the three kinds of unity in art? Unity is identified in three ways: compositional unity, conceptual unity, and gestalt unity. When colors are mixed they make a dollar and darker color because more of the visible spectrum is absorbed? when subtractive colors are mixed they make a darker and duller color because more […]
What is the narrative point of view in Hills Like White Elephants?
What is the narrative point of view in Hills Like White Elephants? “Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway is a third-person narration. The narrator is not part of the events, but presents them as an outside observer. Furthermore, the tone of the narrator is distant, and his presence is barely felt in the short […]
What does style mean in English?
What does style mean in English? English Language Learners Definition of style (Entry 1 of 2) : a particular way in which something is done, created, or performed. : a particular form or design of something. : a way of behaving or of doing things. What is the origin of style? early 14c., stile, “writing […]
What is a feature of sub-Saharan music?
What is a feature of sub-Saharan music? Among the characteristics of the Sub-Saharan African approach to rhythm are syncopation and cross-beats which may be understood as sustained and systematic polyrhythms, an ostinato of two or more distinct rhythmic figures, patterns or phrases at once. What is polyrhythmic music and how is it created? Polyrhythm, also […]
What are the three Greek architectural orders the old ruins of the Parthenon temple in Athens?
What are the three Greek architectural orders the old ruins of the Parthenon temple in Athens? The Greeks built most of their temples and government buildings in three types of styles :Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. These styles (also called “orders”) were reflected in the type of columns they used. What architectural order was used in […]
What is the subject of this cave painting and what is its significance?
What is the subject of this cave painting and what is its significance? Cave painting was the people of the pasts’ version of documentation. Cave art is significant because it was what people in prehistoric times did in order to record history and culture. But, prehistoric cave art was also significant because it also served […]
What is a storyboard and why is it important?
What is a storyboard and why is it important? A storyboard is a sequence of drawings that represent the shots planned for a video production. The storyboard is a very important part of the pre-production process because it clearly conveys how the story will flow, as you can see how your shots work together. What […]
Who fights in the Tournament of power?
Who fights in the Tournament of power? In the Tournament of Power, it is interesting to note that 5 of the members are heroes who were once villains (Tien, Vegeta, Piccolo, Android 17, and Android 18), one is a villain (Frieza) and 4 are heroes since the beginning (Goku, Gohan, Krillin, and Master Roshi). How […]