What pasta can I use instead of macaroni? Substitute For Macaroni OR – Substitute another pasta like spaghetti or linguine. Most pastas are made from the same ingredients, so the flavor is virtually the same. Just make sure it is appropriate for the sauce you’ll be using. Why does macaroni taste different to pasta? “Dried […]
How were Dynamics used in Baroque period?
How were Dynamics used in Baroque period? Dynamics during the Baroque period were terraced, meaning dynamic changes were often abrupt, shifting immediately from soft to loud and back. Gradual decrescendos and crescendos are not characteristic of this music. What is the language of baroque music? Portuguese How important was music to the nobility in the […]
What are the inverted colors?
What are the inverted colors? How to invert the colours on your screen in Android 10 To access the Accessibility features on your Android device open the Settings app. In the Settings app, select Accessibility from the list. Now scroll down to the Display section and select Colour Inversion to set the toggle switch to […]
Who owns the rights to a painting?
Who owns the rights to a painting? When you buy an original painting, you buy the physical object to have and enjoy. In most circumstances, you own only the artwork, not the copyright to it. The copyright remains with the artist unless: They specifically signed over their copyright to the buyer. What is the role […]
What element of art that carries meanings and communicates ideas?
What element of art that carries meanings and communicates ideas? Just as spoken language is based on fundamental letters, sounds and grammar, visual art is based on elements and principles that, when used together, create works that communicate ideas and meaning to the viewer. We can refer to them as the building blocks of composition […]
What role did artists play in the Renaissance?
What role did artists play in the Renaissance? In the Middle Ages, the artist was considered a craftsman, no different from a carpenter or bricklayer. They worked with large teams in workshops, rather than alone, and they were valued for their skill rather than their intellect or creativity. How did the role of artists change […]
Can anyone help me or can someone help me?
Who was the leading French sculptor of the late 19th century?
Who was the leading French sculptor of the late 19th century? Auguste Rodin Which structure was built for the Great Exhibition in Paris in 1889 and was originally seen as a symbol of modern Paris? Definition Eiffel Which artist argued that art is truthful and photographs lie? Quote by Pablo Picasso What French engineer built […]
What elements of composition should you check before taking a photograph?
What elements of composition should you check before taking a photograph? Elements of composition are: patterns, texture, symmetry, asymmetry, depth of field, lines, curves, frames, contrast, color, viewpoint, depth, negative space, filled space, foreground, background, visual tension, shapes. Use one or more of these elements to create a composition that works for your image. What […]