When did the ancient Greek period start and end?

When did the ancient Greek period start and end? The term Ancient, or Archaic, Greece refers to the years 700-480 B.C., not the Classical Age (480-323 B.C.) known for its art, architecture and philosophy. Archaic Greece saw advances in art, poetry and technology, but is known as the age in which the polis, or city-state, […]

What is Longfellow most famous poem?

What is Longfellow most famous poem? Longfellow (1807-82) is best-known for The Song of Hiawatha, and for growing a beard to hide the marks of a family tragedy, but he also wrote many other celebrated poems. What was Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s purpose in writing Paul Revere’s ride? He meant to retell the story taking the […]

What was the Oseberg ship used for?

What was the Oseberg ship used for? In the year 834 CE, two wealthy women died. The Oseberg ship was pulled ashore and used as a burial ship for these two ladies. The Oseberg mound and grave are named after the farm on which they were found, Lille Oseberg in Tønsberg in Vestfold. What was […]

How did Brunelleschi discovered linear perspective?

How did Brunelleschi discovered linear perspective? Brunelleschi applied a single vanishing point to a canvas, and discovered a method for calculating depth. In a famous noted experiment, Brunelleschi used mirrors to sketch the Florence baptistry in perfect perspective. The first known painting to show true linear perspective is Masaccio’s “The Holy Trinity”. What did Filippo […]

What type of music is John Cage?

What type of music is John Cage? Modern/contemporary How does John Cage define music? Music is a succession of sounds and the composer the “organizer of sounds.” Historically, music has been a communication of feelings, but Cage argues that all sounds have this potential for conveying feeling in the mechanical and electronic sense. What is […]

What are classical and operant conditioning forms of?

What are classical and operant conditioning forms of? Classical conditioning involves associating an involuntary response and a stimulus, while operant conditioning is about associating a voluntary behavior and a consequence. In operant conditioning, the learner is also rewarded with incentives,5 while classical conditioning involves no such enticements. In what way are classical and operant conditioning […]

What is a Hemiola?

What is a Hemiola? : a musical rhythmic alteration in which six equal notes may be heard as two groups of three or three groups of two. Is Presto faster than allegro? Allegro – fast, quickly and bright (109–132 BPM) Vivace – lively and fast (132–140 BPM) Presto – extremely fast (168–177 BPM) Prestissimo – […]

What are the characteristics of abstract expressionism?

What are the characteristics of abstract expressionism? In many paintings under the movement of Abstract Expressionism an expression of reality is expressed in a non-representational statement with line, colour and size as well as the aggressive mingling of colours, shapes and forms that creates a painting of pure thought and emotion. What are the common […]

What are 3 features of baroque music?

What are 3 features of baroque music? Baroque music is characterised by: long flowing melodic lines often using ornamentation (decorative notes such as trills and turns) contrast between loud and soft, solo and ensemble. a contrapuntal texture where two or more melodic lines are combined. What influenced Baroque music? The most important factors during the […]

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