What figures can be found on the Parthenon frieze? The frieze consists of 378 figures and 245 animals. What was on the frieze of the Parthenon quizlet? Describe the frieze of the Parthenon. A Doric frieze, consisting of alternating metopes and triglyphs, was situated around all four sides of the exterior of the temple. Sculptures […]
Is Hayden Summerall in a relationship?
Is Hayden Summerall in a relationship? Hayden is dating 17-year-old Instagram influencer Bella Faith, who also has a successful YouTube channel. The couple frequently posts photos together on their respective pages. What is Hayden Summerall’s real name? He currently resides in Los Angeles. His parents are Tisha and Jimmy Summerall III….Hayden Summerall Real Name, Birthday, […]
What element of music refers to the instruments used in a piece of music?
Who betrayed the von Trapp family?
Who betrayed the von Trapp family? Franz is a supporting antagonist of the 1959 musical The Sound of Music and its 1965 film adaptation. He once served as the loyal butler to the Von Trapp family, but later betrayed them in service for Hans Zeller and the Nazi Party. He was portrayed by the late […]
What are Islamic portable Arts describe their importance and attributes?
What are Islamic portable Arts describe their importance and attributes? Answer: Islamic portable arts were examples of Islamic art that could be moved easily, either because of size or type. They were highly sought items were considered a luxury and brought status to their patrons both from Islam and Europe. They were often composed of […]
What type of brush is best for watercolor?
What type of brush is best for watercolor? Traditionally, the best watercolor brushes are made with Kolinsky Sable. Kolinsky is regarded as the best grade of sable hair. Another option is squirrel, which holds more color than sable but has less snap. Camel hair (which is really pony or goat) is a more economical choice. […]
What is the exposition of a fugue?
What is the exposition of a fugue? Fugue: Exposition. The initial section of a fugue, where each voice presents the subject in turn–either in its original or its answer form–is called the exposition. The subject is presented as many times as there are voices contained in the fugue. What is the basis of a fugue? […]
How technology has changed the way artist work in art creation?
How technology has changed the way artist work in art creation? Technology has impacted the arts greatly. It has opened up so many opportunities for artists and has expanded the number of techniques artists are able to access. Artists can now “paint” on an iPad just as well as they can on canvas with a […]
What is significant about the contents of the tomb of King Tutankhamun?
What is significant about the contents of the tomb of King Tutankhamun? Tutankhamen wasn’t an especially important king, but his tomb was the only royal burial found intact in modern times. The tomb was important because it let archaeologists record what an Egyptian king’s tomb looked like and learn more about ancient Egypt. One of […]