Where was the flushing toilet invented?

Where was the flushing toilet invented? Indus Valley Who invented the flush toilet first? Ismail al-Jazari When did flushing toilets start? 1596 Who invented the flushing toilet in Victorian times? Sir John Harington What was the first toilet called? While in exile in 1596, his thoughts continued to dwell on unclean things, resulting in the […]

What is patronage in art?

What is patronage in art? In the history of art, arts patronage refers to the support that kings, popes, and the wealthy have provided to artists such as musicians, painters, and sculptors. The word “patron” derives from the Latin: patronus (“patron”), one who gives benefits to his clients (see Patronage in ancient Rome). What is […]

What type of brush is best for watercolor?

What type of brush is best for watercolor? Traditionally, the best watercolor brushes are made with Kolinsky Sable. Kolinsky is regarded as the best grade of sable hair. Another option is squirrel, which holds more color than sable but has less snap. Camel hair (which is really pony or goat) is a more economical choice. […]

What is the exposition of a fugue?

What is the exposition of a fugue? Fugue: Exposition. The initial section of a fugue, where each voice presents the subject in turn–either in its original or its answer form–is called the exposition. The subject is presented as many times as there are voices contained in the fugue. What is the basis of a fugue? […]

Which of the following is considered venison?

Which of the following is considered venison? Elk Are Elk considered venison? Venison originally meant the meat of a game animal but now refers primarily to the meat of elk or deer (or antelope in South Africa). Venison can be used to refer to any part of the animal, so long as it can be […]

What is the difference between selfie and self portrait?

What is the difference between selfie and self portrait? A self-portrait is “a portrait that an artist produces of themselves.” On the other hand, a selfie is “a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and shared via social media.” What is the difference between selfie and […]

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