How can I improve my digital art? 10 Tips to Improve your Digital Art Get a tablet. Of course there are artists who create beautiful pictures with a mouse, but trust me, drawing with a graphics tablet is more natural and a lot easier once you’re used to it. Free software. Draw big. Lineart. Colors. […]
How do artists not give up?
What is studied in physical science?
What is studied in physical science? What is physical science? Physical science is the study of the inorganic world. That is, it does not study living things. (Those are studied in biological, or life, science.) The four main branches of physical science are astronomy, physics, chemistry, and the Earth sciences, which include meteorology and geology. […]
What characterizes a monsoon area?
What characterizes a monsoon area? A monsoon is a seasonal change in the direction of the prevailing, or strongest, winds of a region. Monsoons cause wet and dry seasons throughout much of the tropics. Monsoons are most often associated with the Indian Ocean. Monsoons always blow from cold to warm regions. What implication does destruction […]
What is the most famous section of the Lascaux cave?
What is the most famous section of the Lascaux cave? Hall of the Bulls What materials were used to make the Lascaux caves? The materials used in the cave paintings were natural pigments, created by mixing ground up natural elements such as dirt, red ochre, and animal blood, with animal fat, and saliva. They applied […]
What is Clay called after it is fired?
Is it safe to drive with fireworks?
Is it safe to drive with fireworks? If you are transporting fireworks for your own use, remember these safety tips: Never attempt to light a firework or fuse within your vehicle, either as the driver or as a passenger; If driving a van or other vehicle without a trunk, always ensure the fireworks are kept […]
What are the top 5 refugee hosting countries?
What are the top 5 refugee hosting countries? In 2019, more than two-thirds of all refugees came from just five countries: Syria, Venezuela, Afghanistan, South Sudan and Myanmar. Syria has been the main country of origin for refugees since 2014 and at the end of 2019, there were 6.6 million Syrian refugees hosted by 126 […]
What does the top number in the time signature tell you?
Which image format has the highest quality?
Which image format has the highest quality? TIF What is the name of the highest JPEG image quality? 90% JPEG quality gives a very high-quality image while gaining a significant reduction on the original 100% file size. 80% JPEG quality gives a greater file size reduction with almost no loss in quality. Which image file […]