What is chalk chemical formula? Calcium carbonate (Chalk) is a chemical compound, with the chemical formula CaCO3. Calcium carbonate (Chalk) is a chemical compound, with the chemical formula CaCO3. It is a common substance found as rock in all parts of the world, and is the main component of shells of marine organisms, snails, and […]
What term refers to intervals that are smaller than the western half step?
What term refers to intervals that are smaller than the western half step? A scale comprised entirely of half steps is called a. chromatic scale. An interval smaller than a half step is called a. microtone. Is Tonic an active chord? Stable Tones vs Active Tones The notes of the scale can be categorized into […]
Which sculpture process do artists use when cutting away unwanted material?
Which sculpture process do artists use when cutting away unwanted material? 1. Carving uses the subtractive process to cut away areas from a larger mass, and is the oldest method used for three-dimensional work. Traditionally stone and wood were the most common materials because they were readily available and extremely durable. Which sculpture process do […]
What is civic government?
What is civic government? Of, relating to, or belonging to a city, a citizen, or citizenship; municipal or civil. The definition of civic is something related to local government, citizens or city. An example of civic is a local government official; civic official. What are the 3 components of civic education? Those voluntary standards which […]
In what ways could technology enhance your creativity?
In what ways could technology enhance your creativity? As technology advances with time, it also enhances people’s creativity. People are able to constantly search things and discover new information they didn’t know before. It allows us to become educated and have an outlet to speak our minds. Why was the photograph invented? The invention of […]
How do I contact moderators of a subreddit?
What manuscript is an example of hiberno-Saxon art?
What manuscript is an example of hiberno-Saxon art? All these elements can be found in the great manuscripts produced by the Hiberno-Saxon school: the Lindisfarne Gospels (698), the Book of Durrow (second half of the 7th century), and the Book of Kells (c. 800). Which is the earliest example of a hiberno-Saxon manuscript? Book of […]
When did Michelangelo paint the Sistine Chapel?
When did Michelangelo paint the Sistine Chapel? 1508 How old was Michelangelo when he painted the Sistine Chapel? 33 Who was originally painted the Sistine Chapel? Michelangelo Did Michelangelo enjoy painting the Sistine Chapel ceiling? 3. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Michelangelo didn’t enjoy his work. He suffered from backache while painting the Sistine Chapel, and even wrote […]
How do you score sourdough bread before baking?
How do you score sourdough bread before baking? To score using a straight blade, hold the blade lightly in the hand and at a 90-degree angle (perpendicular) to the dough. If doing few cuts, score slightly deeper than a curved blade and after doing so you’ll notice the dough relax open and outward. How long […]