What is pictorial photography? Pictorialism, an approach to photography that emphasizes beauty of subject matter, tonality, and composition rather than the documentation of reality. What were the photographic ideas behind naturalistic or pictorial photography? founded by Peter Henry Emerson, premise that camera images could engage the senses and emotions in a naturalistic manner, Photographers who […]
What is a comic writer called?
What is a comic writer called? A cartoonist (also comic strip creator, comic book artist, graphic novel artist, or comic book illustrator) is a visual artist who specializes in drawing cartoons (individual images) or comics (sequential images). What is an illustration artist? An illustrator is an artist who specializes in enhancing writing or elucidating concepts […]
What is the purpose of landscape painting?
What is the purpose of landscape painting? Landscape painting, the depiction of natural scenery in art. Landscape paintings may capture mountains, valleys, bodies of water, fields, forests, and coasts and may or may not include man-made structures as well as people. Why do artists paint landscapes? Artists choose landscapes as their subjects for a variety […]
What genre is Toccata?
What genre is Toccata? Toccata, musical form for keyboard instruments, written in a free style that is characterized by full chords, rapid runs, high harmonies, and other virtuoso elements designed to show off the performer’s “touch.” The earliest use of the term (about 1536) was associated with solo lute music of an improvisatory character. Is […]
What is slab concrete grade?
What is slab concrete grade? A slab-on-grade is a type of shallow foundation in which a concrete slab rests directly on the ground below it. A slab-on-grade foundation usually consists of a thin layer of concrete across the entire area of the foundation with thickened footings at the edges or below load bearing walls in […]
What is the most famous quote from a movie?
How do you conduct a meeting in parliamentary procedure?
How do you conduct a meeting in parliamentary procedure? 1) Present Motion — make a proposal, “I move.. 2) Second Motion — express support for discussion of another member’s motion, “I second the motion.” 3) Debate Motion — give opinions on the motion. 4) Vote on the Motion — make a decision. What are the […]
What are the factors affecting food and nutrition?
What are the factors affecting food and nutrition? The Factors That Influence Our Food Choices Biological determinants such as hunger, appetite, and taste. Economic determinants such as cost, income, availability. Physical determinants such as access, education, skills (e.g. cooking) and time. Social determinants such as culture, family, peers and meal patterns. What factors affect the […]
What time is it when Scrooge wakes up?
How old is the Cathedral in Santiago de Compostela?
How old is the Cathedral in Santiago de Compostela? 810c. 1211 What is the symbol of the Camino de Santiago? scallop shell What happened in Santiago de Compostela? This famous pilgrimage site in north-west Spain became a symbol in the Spanish Christians’ struggle against Islam. Destroyed by the Muslims at the end of the 10th […]