What influenced ancient Roman art?

What influenced ancient Roman art? Roman sculpture was heavily influenced by Greek sculpture. In fact, many of the Roman sculptures were just copies of Greek sculptures. The wealthy Romans decorated their large homes with sculptures. A lot of times these sculptures were of themselves or their ancestors. What civilization influenced the ancient Romans the most? […]

What is responsible for creating sperm?

What is responsible for creating sperm? The testes are responsible for making testosterone, the primary male sex hormone, and for generating sperm. Within the testes are coiled masses of tubes called seminiferous tubules. These tubes are responsible for producing sperm cells. Where are sperm made in the male reproductive system quizlet? Where do sperm produce? […]

Which file format is best for web?

Which file format is best for web? As there are many different file formats to choose from, we have selected the four we think work best on the web: a JPEG, PNG, SVG and GIF, all of which contain a lossy or lossless compression. Is PNG suitable for Web? png file, with the regular photos, […]

Which state does not have anti-bullying laws?

Which state does not have anti-bullying laws? Montana is the only state with no law to address bullying. Which state has passed the most powerful anti-bullying law? All fifty states in the United States have passed school anti-bullying legislation, the first being Georgia in 1999. Montana became the most recent, and last, state to adopt […]

What is the paint binder that is a by product of the flax plant and first came into common use during the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance in Northern Europe?

What is the paint binder that is a by product of the flax plant and first came into common use during the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance in Northern Europe? tempera When was Faiyum founded? 4000 BC How old is Faiyum? 5200 B.C. Faiyum (Arabic: الفيوم‎ el-Fayyūm pronounced [elfæjˈjuːm], borrowed from Coptic: ̀Ⲫⲓⲟⲙ or […]

What does a good book review look like?

What does a good book review look like? A good review is about the book, not the author. Focus on the writing, on the treatment of the topic, on the characters, on the storyline, on the research, on the facts, and so on. Don’t make judgment calls about the author’s faith, intelligence, relationships, parenting skills, […]

What color hue is black?

What color hue is black? Strictly speaking, a “shade of black” is always a pure black itself and a “tint of black” would be a neutral gray. Unlike these, many off-black colors possess a hue and a colorfulness (also called saturation)…. Shades of black Source X11/By definition B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte) H: Normalized to […]

What do archaeologists dig up?

What do archaeologists dig up? Archaeologists usually dig test pits where the ground has not been farmed or plowed and it contains a lot of surface vegetation. They may screen (sift) the soil to recover small artifacts and often draw profiles of the test pits to record what the soil looks like in each hole. […]

Are u still a kid at 13?

Are u still a kid at 13? By the answer Is a 13 year old a kid or a teenager? Yes it is, usually it is a teenager, but also a child, Technically children are under the age of 18. 1. Is it okay for 13 year olds to date? They may not know how […]

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