How did the printing press spread ideas in Europe?

How did the printing press spread ideas in Europe? Because of the wide availability of Bibles,the invention of the printing press actually spread the idea of Christianity even further around Europe, and soon to other countries around the world. Also during the Reformation, Printing helped spread Protestant religion ideas such as Lutheranism. What caused the […]

What is the true meaning of life?

What is the true meaning of life? The meaning of life is to live. It is a simple answer and is so appropriate in that the complex interactions and causal reactions that make up our existence are summed up in something that is both so simple and very difficult to quantify. Why do we need […]

What does Legato mean in music?

What does Legato mean in music? A curved line above or below a group of notes tells you those notes should be played legato – smoothly, with no gaps between the notes. A slur is a legato line over a few notes which means they should not be rearticulated. What is a Marcato in music? […]

What is an example of an idiosyncrasy?

What is an example of an idiosyncrasy? The definition of an idiosyncrasy is an unusual behavior, mannerism or reaction of a person or group of people. An example of idiosyncrasy is someone being allergic to air. A behavior or way of thinking that is characteristic of a person. How do you use idiosyncrasy? Idiosyncrasy in […]

What is the New Urbanism movement?

What is the New Urbanism movement? New Urbanism is a planning and development approach based on the principles of how cities and towns had been built for the last several centuries: walkable blocks and streets, housing and shopping in close proximity, and accessible public spaces. In other words: New Urbanism focuses on human-scaled urban design. […]

What were the first films with sound called?

What were the first films with sound called? The first feature film originally presented as a talkie was The Jazz Singer, which premiered on October 6, 1927. A major hit, it was made with Vitaphone, which was at the time the leading brand of sound-on-disc technology. Sound-on-film, however, would soon become the standard for talking […]

What is the relation between artist and artisan?

What is the relation between artist and artisan? The words artist and artisan are often very confusing for most people although there is a key difference between the two words. An artist is a person who performs any of the creative arts. This can range from painting to music. An artisan, on the other hand, […]

What did the renaissance create?

What did the renaissance create? Some major developments of the Renaissance include astronomy, humanist philosophy, the printing press, vernacular language in writing, painting and sculpture technique, world exploration and, in the late Renaissance, Shakespeare’s works. What was the main goal of Renaissance artists? The two primary goals of Renaissance artists were the expansion of artistic […]

Why do you like poetry?

Why do you like poetry? POETRY HELPS YOU UNDERSTAND THE SIGNIFICANCE OF WORDS THEMSELVES. By doing so, writing and reading poetry makes one understand the significance of every single word and their placement. Sometimes, without a single word, it can change the entire rhythm and meaning of the poem itself. Who is the most famous […]

How is intaglio created?

How is intaglio created? Intaglio printing is the opposite of relief printing, in that the printing is done from ink that is below the surface of the plate. The design is cut, scratched, or etched into the printing surface or plate, which can be copper, zinc, aluminum, magnesium, plastics, or even coated paper. What is […]

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