What type of lens shrinks the image? Wide angle camera is specifcally designed to shrinks the image using the lens with smaller focal length compared to average camera. This type of camera is commonly used to capture wider area of scenery. Or to give an impression that the objects that near the camera seems larger […]
What is the 5 step decision making process?
What is the 5 step decision making process? There are 5 steps in a consumer decision making process a need or a want is recognized, search process, comparison, product or service selection, and evaluation of decision. Most decision making starts with some sort of problem. How many steps are there in the decision making process […]
Can you dye white paint with food coloring?
Can you dye white paint with food coloring? No, only dyes. You can buy almost any color of paint at paint store or Home Depot, Lowes, because they mix different color dyes and paint, not food coloring, to the original base color. Can you use food Colouring as paint? Painting with Food Coloring The best […]
What is the true meaning of dreams?
What is the true meaning of dreams? According to Freud, dreams are representations of events or desires that occurred in childhood – usually related to sexuality or sexual development – that are unacceptable to our conscious minds, and therefore repressed or denied during our waking state. What does your dream tell you? Dreams tell you […]
Why do you enjoy making art?
Why do you enjoy making art? They mention making art for fun and adventure; building bridges between themselves and the rest of humanity; reuniting and recording fragments of thought, feeling, and memory; and saying things that they can’t express in any other way. All their answers are deeply personal. What is the point of making […]
Which of the following is true about computer generated imagery CGI )?
Which of the following is true about computer generated imagery CGI )? Which of the following is true about Computer Generated Imagery (CGI)? The computer automatically generate the images in between each frame, Even with CGI, animators still need to use and understand basic animation skills, The final product is provided by the computer in […]
What do all woodwind instruments have in common?
What do all woodwind instruments have in common? The Woodwind Family. The instruments in this family all used to be made of wood, which gives them their name. Today, they are made of wood, metal, plastic or some combination. They are all basically narrow cylinders or pipes, with holes, an opening at the bottom end […]
Why was art important in ancient Greece?
Why was art important in ancient Greece? Ancient Greek art emphasized the importance and accomplishments of human beings. Even though much of Greek art was meant to honor the gods, those very gods were created in the image of humans. Therefore, art and architecture were a tremendous source of pride for citizens and could be […]
What genre of music is 1920s?
What genre of music is 1920s? Jazz music What type of music was popular in 1920s? jazz How is 20th century music described? 20th-century classical music describes art music that was written nominally from 1901 to 2000, inclusive. Musical style diverged during the 20th century as it never had previously. Jazz and ethnic folk music […]
When did Irish traditional music start?
When did Irish traditional music start? 1762 What is traditional Irish music called? Irish trad Where did traditional Irish music come from? The deeper origins of Irish music can be traced back to the Iron Age Celtic era. Celts originated in central Europe around 500BC. Celtic civilisation spread in all directions across Europe. Why is […]