What two large centers did the Olmec construct? What two large centers did the Olmec construct? The Olmec built several important centers, including: San Lorenzo and La Venta. When did San Lorenzo last until? What did the Olmecs use to build the ceremonial mounds at San Lorenzo? Evidence of San Lorenzo’s high culture includes the […]
How can I find a good best friend?
What are the 2 types of ethics?
What are the 2 types of ethics? Types of ethics Supernaturalism. Subjectivism. Consequentialism. Intuitionism. Emotivism. Duty-based ethics. Virtue ethics. Situation ethics. What are some common ethical types? of principles incorporate the characteristics and values that most people associate with ethical behavior. HONESTY. INTEGRITY. PROMISE-KEEPING & TRUSTWORTHINESS. LOYALTY. FAIRNESS. CONCERN FOR OTHERS. RESPECT FOR OTHERS. LAW […]
What are 3 characteristics of pop music?
What are 3 characteristics of pop music? They have a good rhythm, a catchy melody, and are easy to remember and sing along to. They usually have a chorus that’s repeated several times and two or more verses. Most pop songs are between two and five minutes long, and the lyrics are usually about the […]
What does Moscow represent for the three sisters?
What does Moscow represent for the three sisters? The Three Sisters spans several years in the Prozorov siblings’ lives, during which each of them pines for a future that seems unattainable. For the three sisters, Moscow represents the unattainable things that they want out of life. What is the theme of three sisters? Change, Suffering, […]
Why do musicians have better memory?
Why do musicians have better memory? The musicians performed best on working memory tasks involving tonal stimuli, but also had an advantage regarding verbal stimuli. But, they believe it is more likely that their memories were improved because of the multi-sensorial nature of music training. Which part of brain is responsible for memory? Hippocampus. The […]
Which of the following genres of films is the least flexible?
Which of the following genres of films is the least flexible? Romantic comedies Which quality most distinguishes the musical as a genre in its own right group of answer choices? Question :Which quality most distinguishes the musical as a genre in its own right? Student Answer: Its songs are part of the action Its songs […]
Who has had the most broken bones?
Who has had the most broken bones? Evel Knieval How many bones did Evel Knievel break at once? 433 bone fractures How many bones does the average person break in a lifetime? On average, every person will experience two broken bones over the course of a lifetime. How and when did Evel Knievel die? Knievel […]
What is the main document that a production uses to create a television show often called?
What is the main document that a production uses to create a television show often called? screenplay What is the difference between a script and a screenplay? “Script” is the most general of the three terms, and is not reserved for any specific type of media. “Screenplay” specifically refers to the script of a film […]
Do architects build or design?
Do architects build or design? Architects design buildings, but their job description involves responsibility for much more than just the artistic elements of design. Architects also: Incorporate mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and other details into the designs. What is building architectural design? Architects are licensed professionals trained in the art and science of building design who […]