What instruments are used in uptown funk?

What instruments are used in uptown funk? The song we chose is Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars. We chose this song because it has a good beat and is a fun song. The trumpet, guitar, and drums are instruments that are dominant in the song. No instruments use special effects in this song and there […]

Does love change with age?

Does love change with age? Contrary to popular belief, older people are often happier and more romantically attached than their younger counterparts. The nature of these romantic attachments, however, may differ. The belief has been that, along with a decay in physical and mental capacities, happiness and romantic love decline with age. What is the […]

What changed in Roman Art in Late Antiquity?

What changed in Roman Art in Late Antiquity? As time progressed during the Late Antique period, art become more concerned with biblical themes and influenced by interactions of Christianity with the Roman state. Within this Christian subcategory of Roman art, dramatic changes were also taking place in the Depiction of Jesus. What were the features […]

What were metals used for in ancient Civilisations?

What were metals used for in ancient Civilisations? Copper was probably the first metal used by ancient cultures, and the oldest artefacts made with it date to the Neolithic period. The shiny red-brown metal was used for jewellery, tools, sculpture, bells, vessels, lamps, amulets, and death masks, amongst other things. How did early humans find […]

How do you know your adult learning style?

How do you know your adult learning style? The Six Perceptual Modalities (Preferred Learning Styles) Of Adults Are: 1) Visual. Visual learners need to see simple, easy-to-process diagrams or the written word. 2) Aural. Aural learners need to hear something so that it can be processed. 3) Print. 4) Tactile. 5) Interactive. 6) Kinesthetic. What […]

Who started Island Records?

Who started Island Records? Chris Blackwell Who was one of the most influential Rastafarian reggae groups? 1) Bob Marley No list of reggae artists would be complete without Bob Marley in the top spot. Bob Marley rose to fame with his backing band, The Wailers, starting in 1963. Bob Marley’s songs sounded peaceful but were […]

Why did Victor destroy the female creature he made?

Why did Victor destroy the female creature he made? A female Frankenstein would lead to humanity’s extinction, say scientists. In Mary Shelley’s 1818 novel, Victor Frankenstein destroyed his female creature to prevent the rise of a ‘race of devils. Why does Victor change his mind about creating the female? Why does Victor change his mind […]

What are 5 examples of multicellular organisms?

What are 5 examples of multicellular organisms? Following are the important examples of multicellular organisms: Humans. Dogs. Cows. Cats. Chicken. Trees. Horse. What is an example of a multi celled organism? Human beings, animals, plants insects are the example of a multicellular organism. These organisms delegate biological responsibilities like barrier function, digestion, circulation, respiration and […]

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