What is balance in a picture? Balance in photography is observed when an image has subject areas that look balanced throughout the composition. It is achieved by shifting the frame and juxtaposing subjects within it so objects, tones, and colors are of equal visual weight. What type of balance is used? There are three main […]
What is the best answer for multiple choice?
What is the best answer for multiple choice? The idea that C is the best answer to choose when guess-answering a question on a multiple choice test rests on the premise that ACT answer choices are not truly randomized. In other words, the implication is that answer choice C is correct more often than any […]
What does realism mean in Theatre?
What does realism mean in Theatre? Realism was a 19th-century theatrical movement, seeking to portray real life on the stage. Stanislavski was a committed follower of realism throughout his working life. There may be typical productions of Chekhov plays with extraordinarily realistic sets but Stanislavski also, for instance, explored symbolism . How was the proscenium […]
Is there a difference between prayer and worship?
Is there a difference between prayer and worship? Prayer refers to communication. It can mean confession, making requests or prayer according to God’s will. Worship refers to specific acts of religious praise and devotion, and the honouring of God, a form of expression or an act of prayer in praise to God. It is an […]
What does the Roman portrait sculpture the four Tetrarchs represent?
What does the Roman portrait sculpture the four Tetrarchs represent? That represents the tetrarchy, the four co-rulers of the Roman empire since Diocletian. Two of them were senior emperors of the west and east (Augusti), and the other two their junior colleagues and future heirs to their seats (Caesares). Which of the following images is […]
Which group of musicians was important to the development and popularization of bebop music?
Which group of musicians was important to the development and popularization of bebop music? Dizzy Gillespie, Charlie parker, Miles Davis. What made Duke Ellington an important musician in the 1920s? While a masterful and sensitive pianist, Ellington ultimately proved that his true instrument was the American Orchestra itself. A masterful composer of pop melodies, a […]
What was the purpose of the Italian Renaissance?
What was the purpose of the Italian Renaissance? For centuries, scholars have agreed that the Italian Renaissance (another word for “rebirth”) happened just that way: that between the 14th century and the 17th century, a new, modern way of thinking about the world and man’s place in it replaced an old, backward one. What was […]
What is a major goal of the Aspire test apex?
Why is chiaroscuro important?
Why is chiaroscuro important? Chiaroscuro is the use of contrast between light and dark to emphasize and illuminate important figures in a painting or drawing. It was first introduced during the Renaissance. It was originally used while drawing on colored paper though it is now used in paintings and even cinema. What are the techniques […]
How do you break up with someone when they have nothing wrong?
How do you break up with someone when they have nothing wrong? Here’s how to break up with someone when nothing is wrong with them, but “nothing is wrong with you” doesn’t seem to suffice. Clearly State That There’s Nothing Else They Could Have Done. Express Your Gratitude For The Time You Spent Together. Never […]