What are some examples of dangling modifiers? A modifier is considered dangling when the sentence isn’t clear about what is being modified. For example, “The big” doesn’t make sense without telling what is big which leaves “big” as a dangling modifier; but, “the big dog” is a complete phrase. Which sentence contains a dangling modifier? […]
What is the duration of note and rest?
In which stage of the design process does the designer conduct an alpha test?
In which stage of the design process does the designer conduct an alpha test? prototype What are necessary components of the testing and evaluating step of the design process? Identify the Problem. Do Research. Develop Possible Solutions. Choose One Solution. Design and Construct a Prototype. Test the Prototype. Communicate Results. Evaluate and Redesign. What is […]
Is Jazz homophonic or polyphonic?
Is Jazz homophonic or polyphonic? Characteristic texture of the Classical period and continued to predominate in Romantic music while in the 20th century, “popular music is nearly all homophonic,” and, “much of jazz is also” though, “the simultaneous improvisations of some jazz musicians creates a true polyphony”. What is improvisation in harmony? In ethnic music […]
What is the most viewed painting in the world?
What is the most viewed painting in the world? Most Viewed Paintings in the World Mona Lisa. The famous and mysterious Mona Lisa is painted by the great Leonardo Da Vinci between the years 1503 to 1519. Starry Night. The Last Supper. Creation of Adam. The Scream. The Persistence of Memory. Girl With A Pearl […]
How does the creature feel about the Cottagers?
How does the creature feel about the Cottagers? How does the creature feel about the cottagers when he first discovers them? What is the creature’s reaction to the way he feels about the cottagers? The creature feels an overpowering emotion that is a mixture of pain and pleasure. Why does the creature decide not to […]
What is the definition of watercolor?
What is theory of realism?
What is theory of realism? Realism is a theory that claims to explain the reality of international politics. For realists, the highest goal is the survival of the state, which explains why states’ actions are judged according to the ethics of responsibility rather than by moral principles. When did political realism start? Realism as a […]
What are the 5 different leadership styles?
What are the 5 different leadership styles? 5 Types Of Leadership Styles And When To Use Them Transactional leadership. Transactional leadership is a style of leadership whereby leaders draw in their followers through a scheme of rewards and punishments. Situational leadership. Situational leadership is all about adapting. Autocratic leadership. Laissez-faire leadership. Participative leadership. What is […]
What color stands out from purple?
What color stands out from purple? So what are the colours that compliment purple? Yellow, orange, and green are the most obvious ones. However, contrasting colours aren’t the only ones that matter. Colours right beside each other on the wheel also complement each other, like purple, indigo, and pink. What’s the opposite of purple on […]