How does the creature feel about the Cottagers?

How does the creature feel about the Cottagers? How does the creature feel about the cottagers when he first discovers them? What is the creature’s reaction to the way he feels about the cottagers? The creature feels an overpowering emotion that is a mixture of pain and pleasure. Why does the creature decide not to […]

What is the definition of watercolor?

What is the definition of watercolor? 1 : a paint of which the liquid is a water dispersion of the binding material (such as glue, casein, or gum) 2 : the art or method of painting with watercolors. 3 : a picture or design executed in watercolors. How many types of watercolors are there? 12 […]

What is theory of realism?

What is theory of realism? Realism is a theory that claims to explain the reality of international politics. For realists, the highest goal is the survival of the state, which explains why states’ actions are judged according to the ethics of responsibility rather than by moral principles. When did political realism start? Realism as a […]

What are the 5 different leadership styles?

What are the 5 different leadership styles? 5 Types Of Leadership Styles And When To Use Them Transactional leadership. Transactional leadership is a style of leadership whereby leaders draw in their followers through a scheme of rewards and punishments. Situational leadership. Situational leadership is all about adapting. Autocratic leadership. Laissez-faire leadership. Participative leadership. What is […]

What color stands out from purple?

What color stands out from purple? So what are the colours that compliment purple? Yellow, orange, and green are the most obvious ones. However, contrasting colours aren’t the only ones that matter. Colours right beside each other on the wheel also complement each other, like purple, indigo, and pink. What’s the opposite of purple on […]

Who wrote the lyrics Rodgers and Hammerstein?

Who wrote the lyrics Rodgers and Hammerstein? Oscar Hammerstein II How many musicals did Rodgers and Hammerstein wrote together? 11 musicals What was the working relationship between Rodgers and Hammerstein? Rodgers and Hammerstein used their improved method of writing songs and stories to work towards their goal of changing the musical comedy genre. It was […]

What causes a neuron to fire?

What causes a neuron to fire? When an impulse is sent out from a cell body, the sodium channels open and the positive sodium cells surge into the cell. Once the cell reaches a certain threshold, an action potential will fire, sending the electrical signal down the axon. What is neuron firing? The process of […]

Who painted the famous piece the starry night?

Who painted the famous piece the starry night? Van Gogh What did Van Gogh say about starry night? Several months after painting Starry Night, Van Gogh wrote: Why, I say to myself, should the spots of light in the firmament be less accessible to us than the black spots on the map of France?… Just […]

What does Ralph say to make Jack angry?

What does Ralph say to make Jack angry? In Chapter 8, Ralph insults Jack and his hunters when he says that the hunters are “Boys armed with sticks.” Jack later uses this to try to get the hunters to go against Ralph. Why does Jack get angry at Ralph What does Jack to in response? […]

What are the activities for listening?

What are the activities for listening? Top 10 listening activities (without a CD) Listen and draw a story. The teacher reads or makes up a story and as the students listen they draw the different scenes. Adjectives draw. Blindfold walk. Listening with flashcards. Secret Message. Guess what it is. Put in order. Listening dialogs. How […]

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