What does silkscreen mean? : a stencil process in which coloring matter is forced onto the material to be printed through the meshes of a silk or organdy screen so prepared as to have pervious printing areas and impervious nonprinting areas also : a print made by this process. What is silkscreen Brainly? Noun. • […]
How did the artist use line shape and color to contribute to the mood or meaning?
Is it good to have a fat baby?
Is it good to have a fat baby? “Baby fat” is most often healthy and normal for your little one. Most babies are not overweight, even if they look a little plump. If you think your baby’s weight is a concern, check with your pediatrician. Some factors like genetics, formula feeding, and your home environment […]
How do you remove pin bones from fish?
When was 12 tone equal temperament invented?
When was 12 tone equal temperament invented? This makes it easier to tune instruments. The French monk and Mathematician Marin Mersenne is Page 5 generally credited with the invention of equal temperament in 1639 in his Harmonie Universelle. Musicians did not change to equal temperament until significantly later. Did Bach invent equal temperament? Contrary to […]
Which of the following was a great artist architect and man of science who made the first scientific experiments in the field of aviation?
Which of the following was a great artist architect and man of science who made the first scientific experiments in the field of aviation? George Cayley Sir George Cayley Bt Known for Designed first successful human glider. Discovered the four aerodynamic forces of flight: weight, lift, drag, thrust; and cambered wings, basis for the design […]
What is the number of beats in a measure called?
What is the number of beats in a measure called? Common Time Signatures The top number of the time signature tells how many beats are in each measure, and the bottom number tells which note will represent one beat. Sometimes 4/4 time is represented by a large C, because it is also know as common […]
What are the musical characteristics of disco?
What are the musical characteristics of disco? Disco is a style of uptempo dance music which combines: a time signature of 4/4. a fast tempo. four-on-the-floor rhythms. guitar driven energy often with syncopated bass lines. luscious orchestral arrangements. vocals with reverb. verse and chorus structure. escapist lyrics about love and dancing. What music style is […]
What does this statement mean sometimes conflict can be healthy?
What does this statement mean sometimes conflict can be healthy? When we interact positively with people having different views, it helps us to broaden our understanding of any particular topic. Conflicts when handled carefully can help to resolve various issues which may have been laid dormant for years. Because of all this reason sometimes conflicts […]
What is the difference between modulation and key change?
What is the difference between modulation and key change? Modulation refers specifically to how you change keys. Whether you just jump straight into the new key, or have a pivot chord, etc. Key change just means that you changed keys. Modulations are quick, often happen in the middle of a sequence or phrase, and can […]