How do you write a good draft? 5 Tips for Writing a First Draft Set aside daily writing time. Staring at a blank page can be daunting, which is why it’s essential to stay disciplined during the writing process. Make a schedule for yourself. Conduct basic research. Write out of order. Allow imperfections. Why is […]
Is 1 1000 a fast shutter speed?
Is 1 1000 a fast shutter speed? Fast shutter speed freezes the motion in your image. Fast shutter speed is 1/125 sec or faster. 1/1000 sec is super fast shutter speed. Fast shutter speed lets less light into your camera and will effect exposure making your images darker. Which shutter speed is the fastest? Other […]
Why is the technique and media used important?
Why is the technique and media used important? Why is the technique and media used important? Technique is the way in which an artist creates a work of art, using the media he/she decides to use. The technique and media the artist uses will change the finished results, and the messages and/or feelings it conveys […]
What was the primary technique of archaic vase painting and what style did it derive from?
What was the primary technique of archaic vase painting and what style did it derive from? Vase painters articulated individual forms by incising the slip or by adding white and purple enhancements (mixtures of pigment and clay). In contrast, the decorative motifs on red-figure vases remained the color of the clay; the background, filled in […]
What are the various sources of sublime according to Longinus?
What are the various sources of sublime according to Longinus? Longinus finds five principal sources of the sublime, the first two of which are largely the gifts of nature the remaining three the gifts of art (1) grandeur of thought, (2) capacity for strong emotion, (3) appropriate use of Figures, (4) Nobility of diction, and […]
How do you describe balance in art?
How do you describe balance in art? Balance in Art refers to the use of artistic elements such as line, texture, color, and form in the creation of artworks in a way that renders visual stability. It is through a reconciliation of opposing forces that equilibrium or balance of elements is achieved in art. How […]
What structures were used for burial tombs in ancient Egypt?
What structures were used for burial tombs in ancient Egypt? The Egyptian Pyramids The origins of the pyramids were mastabas, Arabic for “benches,” which were mud or brick rectangular structures built over graves during Ancient Egypt’s First Dynasty (c. 2925–c. 2775 B.C.). What form did early tombs take? Early on, the Egyptians built mastabas, tombs […]
What are 10 ways to use a pencil?
What was the artists purpose with the painting above?
What was the artists purpose with the painting above? What was the artist’s purpose with the painting above? She wanted to answer sexist rumors about her paintings. The figures are three of the most prominent female artists of the time. OR This painting was the first painting by a female to be displayed. What is […]
What is the top of a Doric column called?
What is the top of a Doric column called? In its simplest form (the Doric), the capital consists (in ascending order) of three parts; the necking, which is a continuation of the shaft but which is set off from it visually by one or more narrow grooves; the echinus, a circular block that bulges outward […]