What is the most intelligent word?

What is the most intelligent word? 11 Words That Will Make You Sound Super Smart 1) “Paradoxically,” said Lee Enry Erickson. 2) “Oxymoron,” said Maria Regina Encarnação. 3) “Ennui,” said Mayda Tapanes. 4) “Beleaguered,” said Cindy Jarrett, who added “plethora” and “oligarchy” as well. 5) “Exacerbate,” said Ginger Amelia Perry. 6) “Didactic,” said Kat Wood. […]

What does the cover of Wish You Were Here mean?

What does the cover of Wish You Were Here mean? The album’s cover images were photographed by Aubrey “Po” Powell, Storm’s partner at the design studio Hipgnosis, and inspired by the idea that people tend to conceal their true feelings, for fear of “getting burned”, and thus two businessmen were pictured shaking hands, one man […]

What was a disadvantage of a daguerreotype quizlet?

What was a disadvantage of a daguerreotype quizlet? What were the disadvantages of the daguerreotype camera? It was a technological dead end, hard view could kill you, no reprints. What was a crucial advantage of the daguerreotype method? The daguerreotype had two advantages over Talbot’s paper process. First, the daguerreotype was crystal clear, whereas Talbot’s […]

What does pearl symbolize in The Scarlet Letter?

What does pearl symbolize in The Scarlet Letter? Pearl is a sort of living version of her mother’s scarlet letter. Yet, even as a reminder of Hester’s “sin,” Pearl is more than a mere punishment to her mother: she is also a blessing. She represents not only “sin” but also the vital spirit and passion […]

How does art represent a culture?

How does art represent a culture? Art influences society by changing opinions, instilling values and translating experiences across space and time. Art in this sense is communication; it allows people from different cultures and different times to communicate with each other via images, sounds and stories. What is the art of critical thinking? Critical thinking […]

What is the example of contentious?

What is the example of contentious? The definition of contentious is someone who is argumentative or a situation where there is discord. An example of contentious is a person who always likes to argue. An example of contentious is a tense situation that is likely to lead to arguments. Given to contention; quarrelsome. What is […]

What characteristics help make horror films scary?

What characteristics help make horror films scary? The Top Ten Things That Make Horror Movies Scary Fear of death. This is the ultimate fear, both existentially and psychologically. The dark. Creepy, crawly things. Scary places. Disfigurement. Dismemberment. Suspense (anticipation and expectations). Spooky music. What makes a horror film a horror film? A horror film is […]

What is the characteristics of a pyramid?

What is the characteristics of a pyramid? These pyramids have the following characteristics: 1) The base is a regular polygon. 2) All lateral edges are congruent. 3) All lateral faces are congruent isosceles triangles. 4) The altitude meets the base at its center. What is the inside of the pyramid? Deep inside the pyramids lays […]

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