What means stringent?

What means stringent? 1 : tight, constricted. 2 : marked by rigor, strictness, or severity especially with regard to rule or standard stringent decontamination procedures. What is another word for stringent? Frequently Asked Questions About stringent Some common synonyms of stringent are rigid, rigorous, and strict. While all these words mean “extremely severe or stern,” […]

Which opera used spoken dialogue?

Which opera used spoken dialogue? opéra comique What represents dialogue in an opera? Recitative. Dialogue which is “sing-speak.” The recitative helps get through a lot of text quickly and moves the action along. Often precedes an aria or ensemble. Is an opera a musical? Operas and musicals are similar in that they are both performed […]

How does good posture affect singing?

How does good posture affect singing? Good posture can be defined as the stance achieved that allows for an aligned spine (not twisted) and joints that are not bent. Not only does proper singing posture enhance your breathing, but it also optimizes it – resulting in a better-sounding voice. Breathe this way while straightening your […]

What are architectural plans called?

What are architectural plans called? Prints of architectural drawings are still sometimes called blueprints, after one of the early processes which produced a white line on blue paper. What do architectural plans show? In the field of architecture an architectural plan is a design and planning for a building, and can contain architectural drawings, specifications […]

What is a synonym for having a hard time?

What is a synonym for having a hard time? What is another word for difficult time? rigorUS hardship trouble difficulty adversity affliction tribulation suffering hardness trial What does have a hard time mean? : to experience difficulty doing something She’s having a hard time living within her budget. The school has had a hard time […]

What is the doctrine of the affections quizlet?

What is the doctrine of the affections quizlet? Doctrine of Affections. Different musical moods could be used to influence the emotions of the listener. A musical affection should reinforce the affection of the text. What is the purpose of the doctrine of affections? Doctrine of the affections, also called Doctrine Of Affects, German Affektenlehre, theory […]

How many bytes is a pixel?

How many bytes is a pixel? 1 byte How many bytes is a picture? Compatible File Types Image Type Bytes per pixel Compatible File Types 16 bit Grayscale 2 bytes per pixel TIF, PNG 24 bit RGB (8-bit mode) 3 bytes per pixel (one byte each for R, G, B) Lossy: JPG Lossless: TIF, PNG […]

What led to the development of bebop?

What led to the development of bebop? World War II brought an end to the heyday of swing and saw the beginnings of bebop. Big bands began to shrivel as musicians were sent overseas to fight. For this reason, the 1940s saw a surge in smaller ensembles, such as quartets and quintets. Which style of […]

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