Why is a firearm fit important for a hunter? Fit you properly and… Have the correct amount of recoil, usually moderate, so that you will practice more often and shoot more proficiently. Which of the following is an important survival consideration for hunters? Responsible, ethical behavior and personal involvement are both essential to the survival […]
What is the chromatic order of scales?
What is the chromatic order of scales? Put simply, a chromatic scale is all twelve notes arranged in ascending or descending order of pitch. It’s made up entirely of semitones (half steps) with each note being a semitone above or below the last note. How do you write a chromatic scale? A Shortcut To Writing […]
What are the four main steps in fabric production explain what happens in each step?
Why was the creation of Adam painted?
Why was the creation of Adam painted? Creation of Adam is a famous religious moment in the teachings of Christianity which remains strong within Italy. The painting captures the scene of God breathing life into Adam who was to become the first man and was later joined together with Eve who helped to start off […]
What is the difference between rhythm and movement?
What is the difference between rhythm and movement? What is Rhythm and Movement and why is it important? MOVEMENT is the path the viewer’s eye takes through a work of art. Movement can be directed along lines, edges, shapes and color. RHYTHM is created when one or more elements are used repeatedly to create a […]
Do graphic designers have a social responsibility?
Do graphic designers have a social responsibility? Graphic designers have many responsibilities, and they vary in type, importance, and size. The social responsibility of the graphic designer is an essential responsibility that some do not shed light on. However, the graphic designer has access to large segments of society and can influence by the design […]
Why are sketchbooks important?
Why are sketchbooks important? Sketchbooks are great because you’re not confined to just drawing. You can use it as a place to explore different mediums, study different techniques, create color palettes, design patterns, and keep a collection of visuals that inspire you. Using a variety of mediums in a sketchbook also helps grow creativity. What […]
How do you say how was your day in different ways?
What is meant by articulation in music?
What is meant by articulation in music? Articulation is used to show how a note should be played or sung – eg staccato or slur. If there were no dynamics and articulation, or if there were different articulations, then the music would sound completely different. Dynamics and articulations bring the notes on the page to […]
How do you show space in art?
How do you show space in art? There are six ways an artist can create the illusion of space on a 2-Dimensional surface. Overlapping – occurs when objects that are closer to the viewer prevent the view of objects that are behind them. Placement on the paper – Objects placed higher within the picture plane […]