How does the baptism scene from The Godfather give the sense that different actions in locations are occurring simultaneously? How does the baptism scene from The Godfather give the sense that different actions in locations are occurring simultaneously? By the continuity of particular actions, dialogue, and music. The extension of various shots so that a […]
How does the proverbial Russian definition of a hero he who hangs on for one minute more apply to Christopher Reeve include examples from the reading to support your conclusion?
How does the proverbial Russian definition of a hero he who hangs on for one minute more apply to Christopher Reeve include examples from the reading to support your conclusion? Answer: The person who is able to endure hardships is a hero, that is her/his quality. “He who hangs on for one minute more” is […]
How do you photograph kids portraits?
How do you photograph kids portraits? 12 essential tips and tricks for photographing children Shoot them as they are (not how you want them to be) Throw out the pose guide. Speak their language. Sometimes a little silliness goes a long way. Get down on their level. Don’t tire them out. Use natural light in […]
What are the three periods of Greek sculpture?
What are the three periods of Greek sculpture? Modern scholarship identifies three major stages in monumental sculpture in bronze and stone: the Archaic (from about 650 to 480 BC), Classical (480–323) and Hellenistic. At all periods there were great numbers of Greek terracotta figurines and small sculptures in metal and other materials. Which of the […]
What are the distinct characteristic of the Baroque period and its music?
What are the distinct characteristic of the Baroque period and its music? TIMBRE: Orchestral – strings, winds and harpsichord with very little percussion. DYNAMICS: Abrupt shifts from loud to soft – achieved by adding or subtracting instruments. An overall characteristic of Baroque Music is that a single musical piece tended to project a single mood […]
What is the difference between crewed and uncrewed space missions?
What is the difference between crewed and uncrewed space missions? Crewed technologies, such as spacecraft, have astronauts on board. Astronauts are people who pilot spacecraft or complete missions aboard spacecraft. Uncrewed technologies carry scientific instruments that collect data. These data are sent back to Earth, where scientists analyze them. Why do scientists send both crewed […]
What instrument plays the melody?
What instrument plays the melody? Violin What instrument plays the melody in this excerpt from Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf 0 05? Oboe How many instruments are in an orchestra? A modern full-scale symphony orchestra consists of approximately one hundred permanent musicians, most often distributed as follows: 16–18 1st violins, 16 2nd violins, 12 violas, […]
How many types of constraints are required to constrain a sketch?
How many types of constraints are required to constrain a sketch? two types What is a geometric constraint in CAD? Constraints are rules that are applied to 2D geometry. By applying constraints, you can control the location, size, distance, angle, and other parameters of objects in a drawing. There are two types of constraints: Geometric […]
What are some strategies that police and lawyers can use to improve accuracy and reliability when interviewing eyewitnesses?
What are some strategies that police and lawyers can use to improve accuracy and reliability when interviewing eyewitnesses? Ensure that police put in writing why a suspect is believed to be guilty of a specific crime before placing him or her in a lineup. Use a lineup with several people instead of what is known […]
What is the word for narrative films that are categorized by stories of the ways they are told?
What is the word for narrative films that are categorized by stories of the ways they are told? Genre Which of the following distinguishes narrative films from other kinds of movies quizlet? Narrative films are directed toward fiction. Documentary and experimental films also tell stories. Narrative films are distinguished from other kinds of films in […]