How did Rock and Roll change?

How did Rock and Roll change? Rock and roll began as a new style of dance music aimed at teenagers in the 1950s, and by the end of the 1960s it had transformed the American cultural and political landscape. Elvis made the new music popular with white America, notwithstanding its origins in the African American […]

How do you critique a study?

How do you critique a study? It should not introduce any new material, but should address how the aims of the study have been met. The discussion should use previous research work and theoretical concepts as the context in which the new study can be interpreted. Any limitations of the study, including bias, should be […]

What effect does poetry have on the reader?

What effect does poetry have on the reader? POETRY HELPS IMPROVE IDEAS Reading and writing poetry makes you think of new ideas, but can also dramatically change the way you perceived old ones. It is a way to process experiences, visual descriptions, and emotions. What makes a poem effective? You’re using powerful images. A good […]

How do you develop an idea for art?

How do you develop an idea for art? Developing ideas for painting Places you love. Things that have happened to you in the past. Things you particularly love drawing or painting – think of different ways you could portray them. Your surroundings. Your family. The news. A feeling you have at that moment. Someone you […]

How is mixing light different than mixing paint?

How is mixing light different than mixing paint? Mixing light together is simple addition. Adding red light to green light gives you yellow light, add in blue and get white light. Paint, on the other hand, is about absorption and reflection. Yellow paint absorbs blue light, and reflects red and green. What color involves the […]

What is the structure of a da capo aria?

What is the structure of a da capo aria? The da capo aria was a large-scale form in three sections (ABA), with the third repeating the first “from the capo, or head”—that is, from the beginning. The form consisted of a pithy, rhymed poem, the main idea of which was captured by one or two… […]

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