What happened in Act 2 Scene 2 of Macbeth?

What happened in Act 2 Scene 2 of Macbeth? In this scene, Macbeth returns from murdering Duncan, alarmed that he heard a noise. Lady Macbeth dismisses his fears and sees that he has brought the guards’ daggers with him, rather than planting them at the scene of the crime. She tells him to return the […]

How do we use stem in our everyday life?

How do we use stem in our everyday life? How STEM Can Be Used In Everyday Life 1.Baking. If you love to bake with your kids, then while you are doing so, you can continuously teach them math lessons. 2.Cleaning. 3.Shopping. While Going Out For A Ride. 5.Thinking About The Solutions. What is steam Science […]

How did artists respond to the industrial revolution?

How did artists respond to the industrial revolution? The Industrial Revolution had a great effect on the Impressionists and Post-Impressionists in the late 19th century. Artist of these movements were observing nature directly. They captured the momentarily changing effect of the lighting. Writers and artist elevated the working class into the high arts and literature. […]

Can anyone be a good actor?

Can anyone be a good actor? Anyone can train to be an actor, anyone can learn the skills required. Personally, I think if acting ISN’T the capacity to BELIEVE in the imaginary and act upon your capacity for delusion, then yes, it’s possible that anyone can be an actor. You can learn it, you just […]

What features do mosques typically have in common?

What features do mosques typically have in common? The simplest mosque would be a prayer room with a wall marked with a “mihrab” – a niche indicating the direction of Mecca, which Muslims should face when praying. A typical mosque also includes a minaret, a dome and a place to wash before prayers. Each feature […]

What does musical texture refer to?

What does musical texture refer to? In music, texture is how the melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic materials are combined in a composition, thus determining the overall quality of the sound in a piece. For example, a thick texture contains many “layers” of instruments. What is musical texture quizlet? musical texture. refers to how many different […]

Why is Nepal called a landlocked country?

Why is Nepal called a landlocked country? Nepal is a himalayan and land locked country which means it donot have direct access to ocean or sea . it depends upon its neighbouring countries for sea trade . By the way , nepal is 644km (600miles ) far from the nearest sea which is bay of […]

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