What should I put in my video description?

What should I put in my video description? Write searchable descriptions Give an overview of your video using natural language — not just a stream of keywords. Put the most important keywords toward the beginning of your description. Identify 1-2 main words that describe your video and feature them prominently in both your description and […]

What is the paleolithic lifestyle?

What is the paleolithic lifestyle? Lifestyle. Paleolithic people were hunter-gatherers. They were nomads who lived in tribes and relied on hunting, fishing and gathering wild fruits. They hunted animals like bison, mammoths, bears and deer. Meat was a source of food and animal hide was used to make clothes. What are humans designed to eat? […]

What does Sheldon always say?

What does Sheldon always say? Bazinga (spelled “Buzzinga” in the subtitles of DVD releases) is a word used by Sheldon Cooper to signal that what he said immediately before this utterance was to be taken as a joke. In later seasons, it becomes something of a catchphrase. What are Big Bang Theory fans called? Shenny […]

How did Etruscans influence the Romans?

How did Etruscans influence the Romans? Etruscan influence on ancient Roman culture was profound and it was from the Etruscans that the Romans inherited many of their own cultural and artistic traditions, from the spectacle of gladiatorial combat, to hydraulic engineering, temple design, and religious ritual, among many other things. How did the attitude of […]

What is the story behind BTS?

What is the story behind BTS? According to the Wiki Fandom page the concept behind BTS is that the boys stop the stereotypes, criticism and expectations that are fired at young people like bullets. Their goal is to protect the values and ideals of young people. Are BTS members virgin? NO WAY they are virgins. […]

Why is Dance important in musical Theatre?

Why is Dance important in musical Theatre? Just as in Western theatre dance, the music accompanying these different dance forms is important both for its dramatic function—emphasizing moments of climax or different emotional states—and for its ability to increase the spectator’s pleasure in and awareness of the movement. What does the dream sequence in Oklahoma […]

Which time period in history reflected an artistic movement that stressed intense subjective emotion?

Which time period in history reflected an artistic movement that stressed intense subjective emotion? Romanticism In which countries was the artistic movement of Expressionism largely centered? Expressionism as an artistic movement was largely centered in: -The United States. Why did twentieth-century composers incorporate elements of folk and popular music within their personal styles? Did Berlioz […]

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