Why is agar better than gelatin as a solidifying agent? Mostly agar is preferred over gelatin as bacteria cannot feed on it as it contains no nutrition. It is the most suitable medium for growing bacteria as degradation is negligible. Agar’s melting point is high as compared to gelatin. Thus, it is the preferable solidifying […]
What happens if I deactivate my Gmail account?
What happens if I deactivate my Gmail account? What happens when you delete your Gmail service. Your emails and mail settings will be deleted. You can no longer use your Gmail address to send or receive email. Your Google Account won’t be deleted; only your Gmail service will be removed. Can you cancel a Gmail […]
What program is the great society most closely related to?
What program is the great society most closely related to? The Great Society of Lyndon Johnson is most similar to which other Presidential program? Explanation: The Great Society programs of LBJ are similar to the New Deal programs of FDR in that both are an attempt to aid and assist the poorest Americans. What was […]
How many voyages did Sinbad?
What does city mean on dashboard?
What does city mean on dashboard? Here is the answer according to a question posed about “city” on the dash of a Punto. It means that “City Mode” or “City Steering” is active. This is a mode that applies additional electronic assistance to the steering, making it lighter and more responsive, especially useful for tight […]
What are wetlands to fish?
What are wetlands to fish? Wetlands also serve as spawning and rearing areas for many different kinds of fish such as northern pike. In fact, world- wide, two thirds of the fish we eat depend on wetlands at some stage of their life cycle! Non-game fish such as sticklebacks and minnows inhabit wetlands. Why is […]
What is the simple present tense of work?
How does home ownership lead to wealth?
How does home ownership lead to wealth? The lower the income of a homeowning household, the greater the share of its wealth coming from homeownership. Despite the risk of volatility in the housing market, numerous studies have demonstrated that homeownership leads to greater wealth accumulation when compared with renting. Does homeownership increase wealth? 1. Homeownership […]
How does a car kill switch work?
What was the minimum speed for Apollo 11 to leave Earth?
What was the minimum speed for Apollo 11 to leave Earth? about 7 miles per second How fast was the Apollo mission? The record for the fastest re-entry and, therefore, the record for the fastest speed ever attained by humans, goes to the Apollo 10 crew. In May 1968, they returned to Earth at 36,397 […]