Is the H23 a good engine?

Is the H23 a good engine? The H23 is a good motor, but I think it’s primarily because it’s an H22. You can bring the H23 to H22 power levels with very little work, but I think from the standpoint of “what motor to get” the H22 is a much better foundation. What’s better H22A […]

What is the flag of Sonora Mexico?

What is the flag of Sonora Mexico? The upper section divided in three triangular sections, them having the colors of the Flag of Mexico (green, white and red). The left triangle represents a mountain crossed with a pick and shovel, which symbolizes mining and that has a green field….Seal of Sonora. Seal of the Free […]

What are the new overtime rules in football?

What are the new overtime rules in football? The NCAA Playing Rules Oversight Panel on Thursday approved a change to overtime rules for the 2021 football season. Teams will be required to run a 2-point conversion play after a touchdown when a game reaches a second overtime period. Previously, a 2-point attempt was required after […]

Why do older brothers hate younger brothers?

Why do older brothers hate younger brothers? A study has found when it comes to sibling name-calling, teasing and other types of mean behaviour, older boys tend to be the perpetrators. ‘So siblings turn into bullies because they are competing for attention or they are frustrated someone else is taking their parents away. Why does […]

What does it mean to be a cool cat?

What does it mean to be a cool cat? Someone, usually a man, who is regarded as hip and cool. (“Cat” as a slang term for a man is commonly associated with jazz music.) How do cats keep cool in summer? “Sweating” from their coats: Cats lick their coats to cool down which is why […]

How much is a menu from the Titanic worth?

How much is a menu from the Titanic worth? A menu from the last first-class lunch served aboard the RMS Titanic sold for $88,000 at a Sept. 30th online auction. The menu exceeded the auction house’s expectations by selling for $18,000 more than the maximum price of $70,000. What did they eat on the Titanic […]

How do I spray my yard for fleas?

How do I spray my yard for fleas? “Put two ounces of dish soap in an Ortho hose sprayer bottle and fill the rest up with water. Spray the entire yard once or twice per week to kill adult fleas,” explains Blake. “Repeat as needed or weekly for prevention during flea season. Do not pee […]

Are all Connemaras GREY?

Are all Connemaras GREY? The Connemara pony must be 14.2hh or under to meet the breed standards of the Connemara Pony Breeder Society. They generally mature at about 5 year of age and can live well into their 30’s. The most dominant colour is grey and dun, their are also bay, brown, black, chestnut, roan […]

What in Mentos makes Coke explode?

What in Mentos makes Coke explode? Primarily, the sugar, aspartame and potassium benzoate included in the candy shell reduce the work it takes to form bubbles in the soda, causing a rapid creation of carbon dioxide bubbles. These ingredients accelerate the foaming action of the soda very quickly, causing the infamous explosion. What is Coke […]

Can water be liquid at 0 degrees?

Can water be liquid at 0 degrees? Yes, water can stay liquid below zero degrees Celsius. There are a few ways in which this can happen. The freezing point of water drops below zero degrees Celsius as you apply pressure. For most liquids, applying pressure raises the temperature at which the liquid freezes to solid. […]

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