The companions of The Tour de France

Men of Duty. The companions of the Tour de France (Eighteenth-Twentieth century), a book by Nicolas Adell-Gombert (Editions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, coll. “Ethnology of France “. The companions…the term imprecise conceals a reality that is poorly known, in the plural, it reflects a traditional history, of ancestral knowledge. Be a companion […]

The weight of the social classes

Peter Berger, “The weight of the social classes“, Invitation to sociology, p118, 1963 “In our society, the differences that separate the modes of life according to the social classes are not only quantitative, but also qualitative. Give a sociologist a little bit competent two basic indices to locate an individual in the class system, as […]

Sociology of curriculum

Sociology of the curriculum, a book, published under the direction of Jean-Claude Forquin (Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2008)   Sociology French education has known a strong development since the 1980s. It is enriched with a hand, the contribution of the work of foreign, and especially anglo-saxons, and the other part of the development of science […]

Clinical use or use cynical sociology

What is sociology ? To guide the reflection, two quotes from Bourdieu. “Today, among the people on which depends the existence of sociology, it has increasingly to ask what is the purpose of the sociology. In fact, the sociology is more likely to disappoint or annoy the powers that she better fulfill its function properly […]

Migration and language

Cécile Van den Where “The bambara in the migration: identity and véhicularité”, the Facts of languages, 1998. From interviews conducted with thirteen families bambarophones representative of the malian community of Marseille, Cécile Van den Where interested in the use and status of the bambara. The interviews are focused on the languages spoken in their living […]

The passion documentary of Emile Zola

Everybody thinks they know the classics and Zola, to say the least, no exception to the rule. What schoolboy has not on the benches of the primary school, then at college and high school read At the Happiness of Ladies, Germinal, L’assommoir, Nana …? Zola we know (believe to know) its naturalism. A continuation and […]

Sociology of the audience of France Culture

Hervé Glevarec & Michel Pinet, “France Culture A second radio for the professions of intellectual and cultural”, The Social Movement, 2007 In 2000-2001, the hierarchy of rate hearing on national radio on three weeks varies from one to three; it puts the two ends of the hearing radiophonique, France Culture – that accounts for 10 […]

Sociology, a science of the mind

Pierre Bourdieu – sociology mind – Exrait interview with the historian Roger Chartier disseminated in “paths of knowledge” (Part 1 – 1988) “Finally, I think the social science, whether he knows it or not, whether she likes it or not, answers to extremely important questions ; in any case, she poses and she has the […]

Sociology of fashion

If he existed modes since the Middle Ages, the mode as a “total social fact”, that is to say, as a phenomenon which sets in motion rituals and institutions, are only required in the Nineteenth century. This is the point of departure of Frédéric Monneyron, Frédéric Godart in their books called all two Sociology of […]

A review of franco-German relations

Nathalie Mangin, “The franco-German relations and the baths worldly beyond the Rhine“, History, economy & society, 1994 In the middle of the Nineteenth century and up to 1870, the baths worldly beyond the Rhine (Baden, Ems, Wiesbaden) are the places of resort favored by european elites. The popularity of these baths germans is based on […]

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