The social language of emotions

The social language of emotions. Studies on the relationship with the body and health A book, published under the direction of Fabrice Fernandez and Samuel Lézé and Hélène Walk (Economica, 2008) The social language of emotions is a collective work which has for ambition to propose an alternative paradigm in sociological dominant in the field […]

The class photo

A picture of the class. Palimpsest contemporary educational institution A book of Christine Carpenter-Pout (L’harmattan, 2009) Turning to the picture of the class as a curiosity, Christine Carpenter-Misses wishes to give back to this image with no a priori importance, a thickness of interpretative. Staging of an institutional reality, footprint of the school and of […]

bedside of the sick child.

Mougel, Sarra, At the bedside of the sick child. Parents/professionals, partnership model ?, Armand Colin, coll ” Societal “, 2009 With to the bedside of the sick child. Parents/professionals, partnership model ? Sarra Mougel wants to reflect on the place now given to parents in the hospital departments of pediatrics. The theoretical framework that supports […]

A life of itself. New forms of solitude in the female

Against the negative representations that make the solitude residential women experience negative, a privation, a lack, or a failure, and Erika Flahault, in his book A life in itself. New forms of solitude in the female, offers another vision, which seeks to identify the constructional aspects of the loneliness of women. In the first part […]

spices and sugar

The slow decline of the spice Between the end of the Fifteenth century and the Eighteenth century, the medieval flavour changes significantly. While the latter was characterized by a search of flavors acids, sour allied to those of strong oriental spices (cinnamon, ginger, pepper), salty and spicy are gradually left behind. They prefer the sweet. […]

Cashier and after ?

Mathias Waelli, Cashier… and after ?. A survey among the workers in the large distribution, Puf, Coll ” knowledge Sharing “, 2009 The work of Mathias Waelli could offer a perfect example in the last book of Jean Peneff, The taste of observation. Understanding and practicing participant observation in the social sciences1. Indeed, it is […]

Sociology a writing workshop

A literary society. Sociology a writing workshop, Frédéric Chateigner, éditions du Croquant, September 2008 The present book is a monograph, a writing workshop for adults of a large provincial town. The survey was conducted by participant observation in the open, on the basis of two evenings per week, between December 2003 and June 2004. The […]

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