The decline of the japanese population ?

Jacques Véron, ” Japan facing a decline in announced of its population “, Population and societies, N°449, October 2008 If fertility is maintained at its current level in Japan, 1.3 children per woman, on average, in the year 3000, the japanese population would be turned off completely. This is one of the projections of alarmist, […]

Use of the social experience of the sociologist

Pierre Bourdieu, Sketch for a self-analysis, Reasons to act, Paris, 2004, p 85-86 “What is called intuition, may be, in the final analysis, the scientific use of a social experience·, which, provided they have previously submitted to the sociological critique, can, for if devoid of social value that it may be in itself, and when […]

The bachelor’s degree, institution bourgeoise

Edmond Goblot, The barrier and the level. Sociological study on the bourgeoisie in modern French, Paris, 1925 “It is not quite true that the bourgeoisie exists only in the realm of morals and not laws. The school, in fact, a legal institution. She even has her official titles, bearing the signatures of ministers, with stamps, […]

When you can’t be a writer full time

Bernard Lahire, The condition of the book. The double life of writers, Editions de la découverte, the Texts to support, 2006 Here are some selected excerpts of The condition of literary. Far from us the idea, you extract here, the essence marrow, a book of 620 pages, but only to propose some ideas. p 10 […]

behind The scenes of Er : about the series

Jean Peneff, ” The hidden face of Emergencies. The soap opera on the television,” Geneses. Social Sciences and history,, 1998, n° 1, pp. 122-145. In her article, Jean Peneff compares the image of the emergency given by the series of the same name and the reality observed in the same american hospital, and in the […]

Durkheim and suicide of Emma Bovary

Christian Baudelot and Roger Establet, Durkheim and le suicide, Paris, 1984, p 82-88 “One of the suicide literature, the most famous is that of Emma Bovary; it is also one of the most improbable. Woman, young, married, mother of one child, rural and catholic, she had the traits of which Durkheim has shown that they […]

Taste of class, the class body

Pierre Bourdieu, La Distinction, Editions de Minuit, 1979, p 210 “The taste in food also depends on the idea that each class is of the body and of the effects of food on the body, that is to say, on its strength, its health and its beauty, and of the categories it uses to evaluate […]

The effect désenchanteur of sociology

Pierre Bourdieu, Responses, Threshold, 1992, p. 169 “It is true that sociology has an effect désenchanteur, but the scientific realism and political that it assumes and reinforces avoids fighting where there is no freedom – this is often an alibi of bad faith – so as to occupy fully the places of real responsibility. If […]

Why the child believes more in santa Claus ?

Gérald Bronner, ” Contribution to a theory of the abandonment of beliefs : the end of Father Christmas “, Cahiers international sociology, 2004 “There is a belief that many of us have adopted it firmly before pushing her no less firmly by the result ? “The response, of course ! The Father Christmas ! This […]

The feminization of the workplace

“The process of feminization at work : between differentiation, assimilation, and ‘exceeding kind’, Interview with Nicky Le Feuvre by Cécile Guillaume, in Sociologies practices, 2007/1 Malochet defines feminization as “the growth in the number of women in an activity identified as male, given the hegemony of the personal men within the organization, and/or “qualities” socially […]

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