Bourdieu, Pierre, Sketch for a self-analysis, Reasons for acting editions, 2004 p16 One became a “philosopher” because they had been devoted and dedicated in ensuring the prestigious status of ” philosopher “. The choice of philosophy was thus a manifestation of the insurance statutory which reinforced the assurance (or arrogance) statutory. More than ever in […]
what is a social movement ?
Today some elements of reflection on the definition that sociology gives of a social movement. For this question, I prefer to benchmark the Sociology of social movements of Erik Neveu, the work of Lilian Mathieu, How to fight ? published in 2004, which are from the items below. A first fundamental component of a social […]
The sociologist and the return of the repressed
Pierre Bourdieu, Méditations pascaliennes, Al Liber, Seuil, 1997, p 13 “The sociologist has the peculiarity, not a privilege, to be the one who has the task to say things in the social world, and to say, as much as possible, as they are : nothing that normal, trivial even, in this. What makes the situation […]
The white vote is a political one
Adelaide Zulfikarpasic, The white vote : abstention civic or political expression ?, French review of political science, 2001 Considered a vote of non-expressed, the white vote has long been assimilated to a mistake of the voter or a mark of indifference in regard to the policy, just as the abstention. Because the legislature has given […]
The self-production of norms : the queues in soviet Russia
Jacques Coenen-Huther, “informal Production standards : the queues in soviet Russia” , Revue française de sociologie, 1992, n° 2, pp. 213-232. Jacques Coenen-Huther proposes in this article a study of standards of conduct governing the queues in Moscow. At the outset of this research, there is a chance event in a queue. The situation of […]
The distinction according to Edmond Goblot
Edmond Goblot, The barrier and the level. Sociological study on the middle class, Chapter 4, 1925 “Before the advent of the bourgeoisie to modern, we knew the merit, the value, the talent, the grace ; we didn’t know the distinction […] This is not to be beautiful, and it is to not be confused that […]
gender toys
The toy is not an object to be insignificant and futile. It is an object of study that allows the researcher to see the power of gender representations. During socialization, be it by parents, friends or teachers, children begin to develop gender-based roles and gender stereotypes. Very early in life, children will determine the behaviour […]
Clothing and social class : the necessity of the distinction
In the extract from the article by Roland Barthes, which follows, I propose to you of what to continue thinking about the distinction, which began with the citation of Goblot. How to perceive the distinction ? On what signs are they based ? Roland Barthes takes this as said Goblot on the detail, the little […]