Good news ! The last book of Michel Pinçon and Monique Pinçon-Charlot The president of the rich. Investigation into the oligarchy in the France of Nicolas Sarkozy is available in free access on the publishing site AREAS. Good reading to all ! Other titles in the collection are also available in open access, here you […]
Cycle of lectures ” in The course of the work of the social sciences “
The websites of the Collège de France on
It is worth mentioning the creation of two sites that are hosted on around the College of France. – A site hosting the inaugural lectures at the Collège de France, where you can find online, and free access to the inaugural lectures The first class of a new professor at the Collège de France […]
Teaching Hitler more than a teaching, a moral imperative
Alexandra Oeser book with Teach Hitler. Adolescents face the nazi past in Germany (Editions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, Collection of she benefits from any, 2010), a book of great wealth. His subject : the constitution and the transmission of the memory of the period of national-socialist germany. The nazi past, more than […]
Obscenity, pornography and censorship, a book online
The Editions of the University of Brussels come to publishObscenity, pornography and censorship. The staging of sexuality and their (dis)qualification (Nineteenth-Twentieth centuries), the book that you found ONLINE ! The presentation of the publisher Obscenity and pornography referred, not to the essence of certain forms of staging of sexuality but to the qualification – moral, […]
The School and the student is of foreign origin. Genesis of a category of public action.
The School and the student is of foreign origin. Genesis of a category of public action. A book of Geneviève Mottet and Claudio Bolzman (IES Editions, Collection of the Centre for social research, Geneva, 2009) The discourse on the school and “the crisis” that it goes through are many, and yet fail to explain the […]
ethical Consumption and recovery, part 2
The ticket on the sites of object recovery has been a success… and the many reactions that have significantly enriched the discussion. So thank you to all the people who have taken the trouble to respond to, and reflect, with me, the logic governing the sites of gifts. From our discussions emerged the idea that […]
Be a student in jail
” Teach Hitler : adolescents in the face of the nazi past in Germany “
Invited to the round table tomorrow and “Teach Hitler : adolescents in the face of the nazi past in Germany” and can we get there, we have received the book of Alexandra Oeser, which will be discussed Fourth of cover In Germany, the nazi past does not pass. Subject of public debates intense, the anguish […]
Kitchens and dependencies, a number of the journal Hommes & migrations
Just published the January/February 2010 of the journal Hommes & migrations, in which I publish an article. The summary The editorial : The migration is not confined to population movements. When they can, migrants take in their baggage, food, cooking utensils, recipes; as soon as they can, they transplant them in the company setup their […]