scientific Discourse, political, legal, and resistance

This work, which is about the scientific discourse, political, and legal resistance, is characterized by its originality, methodological, theoretical and epistemological. Its originality, methodological responds to a set of traits that identify it and that constitute it in a piece of mandatory consultation: (a) the interdisciplinary perspective that nurtures: sociology, law, and linguistics; b) the […]

Where to study Sociology in Spain?

Below is a list of the Spanish universities where you can study Sociology. The list has been drawn from the table published in the White paper (2005) Title of Degree in Science Policy and Administration, Sociology, and Public Management and Administration, elaborated by the ANECA (National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation) for the design […]

Drugs, do crime or legalization?

Among the many images that are shared on social networks, recently called me powerfully the attention, the one attached below. For rude and crude as that may be to the image, or rather, the confrontation of two images, representing rapidly one of the great paradoxes about the “war on drugs”. As is known, the power […]

Education and self-learning. Sugata Mitra

The researcher in education Sugata Mitra tackles one of the greatest problems of education — the best teachers and the best schools are not where they are most needed. In a series of experiments of the real life going from New Delhi, passing through south Africa, up Italy, he gave children access self-monitored to the […]

abortion debate

Can we reverse the culture of death?, what kind of society legalizes abortion?, is abortion the capitulation of the rule of Law?, how he surrendered to the medical class before the lobby abortionist?, how much money does move the business of abortion?, what appreciation we have to the animals, the plants…?, are you facing the […]

Climate Change

Source: CEMAV, Center of Design and Production of Audiovisual Media, of the UNED. . There is scientific evidence that the global climate will be significantly altered in the TWENTY-first century, as a result of increased concentrations of greenhouse gases. Although there is general agreement on these conclusions there is a large uncertainty with respect to […]

“capitalism has entered the logic of destruction”. Interview with Saskia Sassen

Today in Bilbao, the day before in New York, tomorrow in the Uk: between two aircraft, Saskia Sassen, professor of sociology at Columbia University, in New York, goes, discussion, provokes. For twenty years, examines globalization in all its dimensions, economic, financial, political, social, and environmental. Cosmopolitan, this polyglot born in the Netherlands in 1949, grew […]

The Oedipus Complex. What is Universal in every culture?

The following document is a test conducted as practice in the subject of Social Anthropology at Degree in Sociology (UNED) during the 2009/2010 academic year. Since Malinowski, back in the year 1927, and after its revolutionary ethnographic methods applied in the field work among the islanders trobianders of the South Pacific, dis-prove the supposed universality […]

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