impotence democratic. On the political crisis in Spain

Spain suffers a major political crisis. All of the indicators of political public opinion (satisfaction with democracy, trust in institutions, support to the European Union, assessment of the Government and the opposition, etc) are at historic lows. In addition, the corruption scandals contribute to the deterioration of the situation. There are many who think that […]

The Labor Reform of 2012

Has spoken, is speaking, and they will talk a lot about the new Labour Reform of 2012. None of which have been approved in this country has been free of debates and controversies. Rafael Morales-Arce, Professor of Economics at the UNED, and does a very thorough analysis on this new reform, and gives his personal […]

The youth before their insertion in the society

The youth before their insertion in the society Attitudes and demands in relation to the school. An approach to the causes of early school leaving Colectivo Ioé (Carlos Pereda, Walter Actis and Miguel Angel de Prada) Center of Publications. Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport . The present study provides a general overview of the […]

The new reality. The economism of the consciousness quantum

Kairos: a time indeterminate in which something important happens. Kairos comes from the ancient Greek philosophy and represents an undetermined time in which something important happens, a “change of direction”, for example, in the course of the stars. The term kairos came to stand for the “right time”, a privileged opportunity that suddenly open up […]

The politics of intimidation punitive

Source: The Country. By Enrique Gil Calvo (professor of Sociology, UCM) . This title is a tribute to Michael Oakeshott, the philosopher, conservative-broke with the tories after the turn to neoliberal adopted by Thatcher, as his last will and testament intellectual published posthumously, although written 50 years before, was titled The politics of faith and […]

The families of middle-class spain in the economic crisis

In the current economic crisis, middle class families are often faced with problems related to the reconciliation of work and family, especially when both spouses are forced to extend their working hours to reach the end of the month. Researchers of Social Work, National University of Distance Education (UNED) –members of the research group Koinonía– […]

The society of castes. Religion and politics in India

There is not question about India a more complex and controversial than the so-called “caste system”. You have written many books and articles on the issue (although almost none in Spanish). […] The “system” has been criticized ad nauseum, and exalted -although less – to the paroxysm. But, despite the importance that all the world […]

The clinical sociology

Among the different branches of sociology that have been popping up in recent years, we find the clinical sociology that has its origin in France in the 1980s, and has as a precursor to Robert Sévigny, Gilles Houle, Eugène Enriquez, and Vincent de Gaulejac. The clinical sociology represents a new paradigm for research and intervention […]

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