The 10 social scientists Spanish most cited in 2011
Source: Sociology Of Contemporary . With the aim of measuring the influence of the scientific production of researchers in the Social Sciences, the Lauder Institute of Management & International Studiesof the University of Pennsylvania has published the results of its latest ranking biannual with the ten social scientists Spanish most cited in the world. Six […]
The golden years of sociology (1945-1975)
The book of Josep Picó presents an overview of sociology for over three decades, fundamental in its development, which interrelates the historical context-social with the institutional reconstruction of the discipline. Using heterogeneous sources -biographies, theories, controversies, works of criticism and research, gives a coherent picture of the evolution of the social theory and the dialogue […]
The commons: the culture and practice of what is common
Corporate Documentation No. 165 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL STUDIES AND APPLIED SOCIOLOGY The commons: the culture and practice of the common Imanol Zubero (coordination) “A spectre is haunting the world: the phantom of the comonismo” (yes, with “or”). Surely, we exaggerate, but well may these words be the beginning of a new Manifesto that try to […]
The CAQDAS. Software for Qualitative Analysis
In this article is intended to give response to What is CAQDAS? What is the purpose? What are the advantages and disadvantages of their use in the research qualitative? The CAQDAS are computer programs for the analysis of qualitative data. To explain it we have based on the text of the faculty of the […]
chinese learn English
By Gemma Torres . In one of the ads of HSBC bank (The HongKong and Shanghai Banking Corporation) is said, as you can see in the photo,there are five times more people learning English in China than there are inhabitants of England. Curious, isn’t it? This announcement was hung in the New York airport and […]
The CIEs, the irregularity and the deprivation of liberty
By Patricia Rivero and Anna Niubo . As is well known, the CIEs are the centres of internment of non-prison where it stops so precautionary or preventive to those foreign persons not belonging to the EU who are in irregular administrative. In these centers, people are detained and deprived of their freedom while controlling their […]
discourses of the present. An analysis of the social imaginary contemporary
In recent years, there have been numerous attempts to interpret the derived social, political and cultural of the West from the social sciences. However, it has not been so frequent address this analysis from the production and the construction of the discourses of the great factories of meaning, which not only serve to legitimize the […]
housing in Spain in the XXI century
Housing in Spain in the XXI century Several authors Cáritas Española Editores and Fundación FOESSA, 2013 This number of “Studies Collection” of Foessa offers a reflection on how it has developed housing in Spain since the beginning of the XXI century, with the introduction of data, analysis and proposals, which will enable us to […]
The students and democracy. Reinventing May ‘ 68
The students and democracy. Reinventing May ‘ 68, the last book of the sociologist Fernando Gil Villa is stirring a lot of interest given the circumstances related to the student movements in Spain and in countries such as Mexico or China. It is necessary that students are made to echo the cry of those who […]